Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Currency non-stop

Currency non-stop

Speculations. Every fourth milliardnoe state of the world's earned in the financial markets. Perhaps the most risky of them, and potentially the most lucrative is the foreign exchange market forex.

Anton Kuzin (

Maximum speculative profits have investments in asset price fluctuations that occur most often and have the maximum amplitude. In other words, the more "good" and expensive desheveet per unit of time, the more it is suitable for speculators. Today, Russia's individual investor or speculator has access to virtually any financial market, including international. Perhaps the most volatilnym of the most accessible is the futures market, or flash market. Major turnover on fixed-term contracts are currently on the market FORTS, organized stock exchanges RTS and St. Petersburg. " Fluctuations in the prices of certain securities in the most active days may exceed 10%. However, the maximum possible profit of the investor is not restricted.

In trading on the matter of the market can make a transaction, for example, for 100 rubles, making only 15-20% of this amount. That is, if run in turnover of 20 thousand rubles, and contracts to buy 100 thousand, every percentage of increase in their value will increase in 5% of your capital. Accordingly, a 10-percent increase in quotes, you can increase the capital in half.

One per cent - and zero on the account. Market forex - a virtual marketplace where 24-hour operation carried out on the buying and selling currencies. This is the most voluminous and liquid market on the planet. Today, it has access to any Russian, which has a small capital. Unlike the market FORTS currency fluctuations quite small. For example, the maximum daily variation of quotations pair euro / dollar (EUR / USD) this year was recorded on 17 March and amounted to only 2.38%. For the foreign exchange market is a lot. The average daily range for the EUR / USD in 2003 was about 0.9%. This umudritsya catch the "bottom" and "comb" almost unreal. You can take a good result "saddle" half of this wave, that is an average of 0,45% per day. Profit was not serious. However, the forex can be increased, for example, 100 times, using the so-called leverage - borrowed funds from bank customers or broker. In this case, each movement of the market in your side at 1% will double your capital (excluding costs). And some companies may offer a more broad shoulders. " However, the movement of the market against your position (up, if you are playing down the course, or down, if the game is on the increase) at 1% may lead to a complete loss of capital. Therefore, forex, and is the most risky financial market. And yet, potentially very profitable. For example, the pair EUR / USD this year for one day with shoulder-1: 100 theoretically could earn 238% (amateur sensations can translate these figures into annual). But this is only theory. In practice, mindful of the cost of overhead costs, and that the currency market does not always support your idea of an impending rise or fall in a given currency.

Pick a couple. "Tickets" in the community currency speculators can now be purchased at brosovym prices. Some companies agree to serve customers with only a hundred dollars. However, with the amount you can realistically expect to gain only confident in his absolute luck. The most acceptable minimum initial deposit is today considered to be $ 2000, a minimum amount of transactions - 100 thousand units of the base currency. Such conditions make it possible risk in the transaction, only half the amount paid.

As an object of speculation are currency pairs. The most popular are the EUR / USD (euro / dollar), JPY / USD (yen / dollar), GBP / USD (British pound / dollar). At the opening of the so-called long positions on the euro against the dollar, you expect that the rate of the single European currency against the U.S. will grow. In the opposite case, your position will be called short. Suppose you opened a long position in EUR / USD at a price of 1.1000. During the day, very good news came from Europe (or very negative from the U.S.) and the euro rose to 1.1234. Its growth was 2.13%. However, if you invested $ 2000 and made a deal for 100 thousand euros, your daily profit will be 117% - again, without the overhead. The costs for trade in exchange for the forex market today, most companies are expressed in the so-called spreads. Spread - the difference between buying and selling rate of one currency against another, set your broker or bank. In other words, the commission your broker. If you care for your transactions, it simply reduces the price a little bit of buying and selling currencies overcharge. These cost increases are less active than the currency pair traded in the market, that is less than it is liquidity. Spredbrokera on EUR / USD could make with the 3-5 "pips" (the fourth decimal place in the listing, such as 0.03 cents on every dollar) and the GBP / CHF (British pound / Swiss franc) - 10 pips. "

The market for the curious. To achieve success in currency trading is far more complex than completely losing the invested capital. Consolation is that the deposited amount is not more to lose. Therefore, access to forex with money from the sale of a single apartment, car or cottages - inheritance extreme. To get started is to read the literature on the basic elements of trade. Many of the books on this subject written by a "national" language. In addition, BRD-kery now providing services for learning to play the currency market. The two-week courses, including theory and practical exercises, a student at an average cost of about $ 100. After receiving initial knowledge can be trained in the game mode, closest to the "fighting", not using real money. Do not interfere with a clear conscience and play the first real capital, the most valuable experience of the commission and analysis of their own oshibok.Etu amount can be considered as an additional fee for the school. But in the future is already with the new forces and the money more carefully analyze the macroeconomic news from around the world, follow the diagrams and technical indicators, trends in interest rates of central banks, unemployment and inflation, the major transnational mergers and acquisitions transactions, etc. But at the same time Always remember that the currency - not the best asset for investment. And if you're not ready to lose the entire investment, it is better to search a suitable financial instruments.

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