Friday, January 30, 2009

Interview with Baryshevym Dmitry Mikhailovich

Interview with Baryshevym Dmitry Mikhailovich, executive director of the Russian Federation Teletrade D.J

TeleTRADE D.J. International Consulting Ltd .- Dmitri, good day! To date, the main topic for discussion - the crisis of Russian banking system. Logically this and start our conversation. As a sudden impact on the banking crisis the company TeleTRADE? It appeared there in connection with the some insoluble problem?

- Yes is not affected. And we are watching developments closely, as they say in «polglaza». I know that there are problems in Meritbanke, Guta, Alfa-Bank - and then, mainly because they are our direct competitors. I can assume that problems may arise in other Russian banks. Right now we are seeing increasing demand from customers of other companies, especially those who worked through the Russian savings and loan institutions. Money is our customers' stored in a Swiss bank, is part of the world top-10. Parent company in Hong Kong. Head office for the countries of Eastern Europe - Prague. Therefore, any connection between the Russian crisis and the state of affairs in our company does not have.

- What do you see the prospects for the development of your company in the Russian market?

- No false modesty is to admit that TeleTRADE - a leading company in Russia and CIS countries to provide the services needed to work in the financial markets. We have the most extensive, real-functioning network of branches. We are well represented on the Internet. It TeleTRADE at this time offers a wide range of special education programs aimed at preparing the Russians to work in the financial markets. Personally, I am one hundred percent sure that our educational program at this time is objectively better for both the thematic breadth, and in depth consideration of specific issues. TeleTRADE constantly expanding the range of services. Now our customers can perform commercial operations not only in the currency market, Forex, but also to work with stocks and futures, hedzhiruya thus price risks, and to diversify its investment portfolio. It is obvious that the interest of Russians to work with financial instruments from year to year will only grow. In this regard, the main challenges the company - to consolidate our leading position in the segment, where we were dominating, and actively build up its presence in those market niches where we are quite competitive.

- How do you assess the pace of development of market information services?

- Russia at the moment, with some reservations is part of the world economy. Therefore, the pace and path of development of IT services can be predicted by exploring the development of the market in Western countries, of course, with some time lag. As the experience of the UK, for example, the leaders in providing services to work in the financial markets do not experience problems with customers. Moreover, in just 15 years, some of them crossed the path of relatively small, little-known brokerage firms and companies whose shares are traded on stock exchanges in London or New York. This is a testament to the tremendous growth in client assets, based on what we can conclude that the financial markets over the years attracted a growing number of participants. This trend is typical for the UK, Canada, France, Japan, and for today's Russia.

- How do you feel you expect from the industry as a whole?

- You can not be a prophet to a high degree of probability to predict the gradual extinction of small companies and market-sharing between the major players. In addition, I believe that more people will choose the company, which resemble our organizational structure - a legal entity registered abroad, and a network of offices in many cities in Russia and CIS countries.

- Why these companies?

- For a variety of reasons. I'll major. First, compared with a western company, represented here, or only through the Internet or through the Internet and agents, our customers expect a more personal relationship. If the client has a so-called «dispute», or with a pending order, or open / close positions on the market, in the case of «pure foreigner» always turns out so that the rights of the counterparty. In our case, in situations of our fault, we acknowledge our wrong and recovers lost or gain or loss caused by (of course, are due to company leaders, not the company odnodnevki). And secondly, in the case of work with Russian banks, a person other than a purely market risk, have to deal with the risk of non-made assets. And, as the current Russian reality, the second group of risks in some cases more than the first. Our fixed costs make up more than 100 000 dollars a month. Therefore, we are forced to build a sufficient customer base to provide better working conditions. For example, in order to increase the degree of confidence in the safety deposit offers its customers a guarantee of a bank UBS, which agree substantially reduce the risks of non-invested funds.

- Dmitri, you have many years in the foreign exchange market that you can respond to the concern of many question: «Can you really earn on Forex

- It is possible, but do not work with financial instruments to separate the high fence of any other activity. As in the case of the accountant, the owner of a retail outlet, a computer designer, and in the case of the manager, only 1 out of 10, with the best scenario is making significant progress. All the other or do not put enough effort, or simply are not the case. Forex - not Klondike, Forex, above all, work. And if you seriously want to achieve something, then you need to plow, plow and plow, regardless of any temporary difficulties or setbacks.

- A special company that can offer TeleTRADE wishing to earn a Forex?

- All those who had set a goal to achieve something in this field, I would recommend to take part in the new project of our company - «Employment Traders». The essence is quite simple - you make $ 300, and you will provide an opportunity for two weeks to conduct a real trading account in the amount of $ 5000. All the results on this account will be in real-time broadcast on the web site Thus, you get on the one hand an opportunity to advance with a minimum and limited risk in a real rather than a demo account ottestirovat its trading system and on the other - effectively advertise themselves before the eyes of potential investors. After the completion of two-week bidding results you will be available for display on a special page of our web site within 2 months, and you (optionally) receive 45-day demo account to further develop their own strategies. Such projects in the coupe with our professional training programs should lead to the emergence of more and more successful traders, which will surely increase the interest in the Forex market and investors. And this is the main goal of the company - to do everything we can to have the opportunity to attract investors to the asset management literate and successful professionals.

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