Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Rising oil prices. Who suffers most?

after the recent record mark, has exceeded 58 dollars per barrel, quotes, set up regular oil prices over the past 21 years. Then, under pressure from the leaders of the Member States of OPEC, the price reluctantly popolzli down. Particularly oil prices sharply fell in the auction on Thursday, against the background of evidence of an increase in the release of petroleum products in the United States. Recall that whereas, according to the United States dipartamenta energy, production of gasoline for the week of March 26 to April 1, increased by 5.2%, to a maximum level over the past year. As a result, gasoline prices at the NYMEX on Thursday fell to 5.5%. However, experts note that the increase in oil refining was associated primarily with increases in oil supply from OPEC, which, under pressure from U.S. and European countries, significantly expanding production of raw materials.

According Otchet, published on Thursday, inventory of gasoline in the United States now exceed last year's level at 5.7%. A futures price for May in the WTI crude oil at NYMEX on 7 April fell 3.3% at. However, ask the question: What are the implications, and one in the first place, could lead such a gallop of oil quotations, which we have already seen in the last year. And what happens if it can not be curbed in the coming months? Answer: the consequences will affect the entire world economy. Moreover, and this is evident in the first place hit the advanced industrial countries without their own oil. And those will reach a lot: it is both the world's growing monster as India and China, that the level of its technological and economic development, are still in the youthful age, and will loudly assert themselves in the first half of this century.

This peredoviki scientific technical process - Japan and South-east Asia. This is located on the path of historic reforms, Europe (12). The first is the global economy, while overseas, which has strong influence not only on the countries of OPEC, but also virtually all other neftedobytchikov, also has its own huge reserves in the southern states, primarily in Texas, as well as undiscovered deposits in Alaska.

"Uncle Sam" preferred to spend their own resources very efficiently and judiciously. But even the sole remaining superpower is not easy to fall under the onslaught of rising prices for energy. Thus, the current rise in fuel prices, permanently maintains the threat of inflationary pressures. This, in turn, pushes the U.S. Federal Reserve to tighten monetary policy, which could adversely affect consumer spending citizens, and generally lead to a slowdown of GDP growth. Note that the majority of economists polled agency Bloomberg, believed that the rising cost of energy and the basic interest rate will have a significant impact on consumer spending and lead to slower economic growth in the United States is already in the 2 half.

In addition, according to their forecasts of GDP growth in July and December will be 3.5%, while in the 1 half of the economy to grow by 3.9%. In doing so, according to their expectations, the rise in consumer prices in the United States by the end of this year, 2.5% Recall that in February, experts suggest that GDP will grow by 3.7%, while consumer price inflation reach 2.3%.

So, the inflation rate reached in the United States at the beginning of the year and 3% have not yet been particularly noticeable that after a series of increases in core protsetnoy rates in the U.S. managed to curb it.

However, given the fact that the further rapid rise in the price of fuel resources, especially oil, can create problems for the first world economy, it can be assumed that in the very next week will be taken comprehensive measures to curb oil prices. As a result, this will lead to lowering the cost of oil and commodities in the coming months нивелирует inflationary pressures, and the tendency to raise prices significantly lower.

As a result, we believe that, in spite of the sensational statements by individual analysts, is projected to rise in oil prices to 110 dollars a barrel before the end of this year, in the coming weeks, we looked forward to a significant correction, and the levels of around 45 dollars seen us quite real.

Analysts Company Mabiko
Wahid Valiev, Rinat Mescherov.

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