Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bloody Diamonds

Enterprise giants often active actors in regional conflicts, of which the world is constantly growing. A particularly difficult situation in Africa. Thus, in the Democratic Republic of Congo as a result of the fight for diamonds, gold and other minerals have already killed over a hundred thousand people and two million people left homeless.

Proklyatoe wealth
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has enormous economic potential and has a wide variety of natural resources: diamonds, copper, cobalt and zinc deposits of gold, manganese, cadmium, germanium, silver, tantalite-kolumbitovye ore. Explored reserves and estimated resources of diamonds in the Congo are the largest in the world.

Until 1986, the DRC remains the world's largest producer of industrial diamonds, and then He took the place of Australia. 98% of diamonds mined in the country are manufactured, but are found in jewelery. The biggest of them - a unique diamond weighing 265.85 carats - was not so long ago, sold for $ 17.9 million joint Congolese-German company.

But innumerable natural resources the DRC had its people and untold misery. Several decades of wars, looting, put the inhabitants of the country to the brink of survival. Despite the wealth «legs», the majority of the Congolese people starving, living on 20 cents a day, almost 75% from 50 million people not receiving medical care.

From Mobutu to Kabila
Democratic Republic of Congo since the «cold war» games has become the epicenter of the foreign policy in Africa. In 1960, Congo gained independence from Belgium, and President Mobutu SS found its dictatorship, which is almost forty years was based on that of his corrupt regime allows international capital to operate unchecked.

During the years of Mobutu's rich countries fell into decay, and the president with the personal capital of more than $ 5 billion was among the wealthiest people in the world. After the «cold war» Mobutu with his thoroughly soaked theft and corruption, the regime has ceased to hold the former allies. Against the Government on the outskirts were at an opportune moment. All that was left to find a new leader who would have credibility in the eyes of the rebels and the interests of a number of foreign corporations, that trust to receive generous dividends for their assistance. The old revolutionary LoranDezire Kabila with his ardent speeches arranged all. Supported by troops from the eastern areas of Congo, as well as the governments of Rwanda and Uganda, Kabila quickly achieved victory. In 1997 he took Kinshasa, proclaimed himself president and renamed Zaire the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Even prior to his victory Kabila assured that he is ready to cooperate with the western capital. Soon came to Kinshasa, the American mission, headed by the Minister of Energy Bilom Richardson. He openly expressed the hope that the DRC has demonstrated commitment to the economy, open to the West, in particular, to American investment. These included the establishment of a superkonsortsiuma involving American, British, Belgian, Australian, South African corporations for copper, uranium, gold, diamonds and other minerals.

But when they came to power, Kabila was not in a hurry to break the door to foreign corporations. Instead, he began publicly to denounce imperialism and to speak about the protection of national assets from the looting. This, of course, could not be like the West. Kinshasa relationship with Washington, Paris, Brussels cooled. Moreover, Kabila broke with his yesterday's allies and ... nearly lost his power.

In the fire rebellion
In mid-1998, Kabila said that expelled from the country of all foreign military and civilian officials, and disband the army unit, staffed by persons «nekongolezskogo origin». In so doing, he made it clear the leaders of Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi, who a year ago helped him come to power, that does not need their care. Began anti-insurgency spread to all provinces. Uganda supported the rebels, Rwanda and Burundi have sent troops into the country. The power of Kabila, was hung in the balance. But the government of neighboring Angola could not lose a valuable ally, with the help of which hoped to block the rear position of the armed opponent - UNITA. It sent troops to support Kabila, who defeated the rebels on the approaches to the capital and the western provinces of the country. The death of the president was as off as his rise to power. Morning of 16 January 2001 Marble Palace Kabila was shot and killed a guard. One of the most popular versions of the reasons for the death of the President - the operation of Western special services. Hopes that the U.S., Belgium and other countries was linked to his time with the arrival of Kabila has not been realized. Generous pledges to provide the president of mining concessions for the republic have remained promises. The post of president turned to his son Joseph Kabila, who inherited inherited a country divided on the part of warring parties.

Robbers subsurface
Thirty years ago, in the novel F. Forsythe «Dogs of War,» has been described in detail the activities of transnational companies in Africa. To obtain the concession for the development of some British platinum mining company hands of mercenaries commit coup. Today, the methods are the same, but the scale has grown. It is not only a coup, but a war involving several African countries and rebel armies allow rich subsoil DRC. The annual amount of contraband alone diamonds from the Congo is estimated at $ 800 million illegally exported from the country to 85% of precious stones. Specially created to study the problem of Congo UN panel of experts concluded that «the elite groups» create a likeness in the Congo war economy operating under the guise of armed conflict. Profit while receiving a very narrow circle of persons.

Allies J. Kabila officially neither UN nor the international community in the subsurface, looters were not recorded, but they did not get off of the Congolese cake. Namibia, which has troops in Congo to help President Kabila, L-D, has received its devidendy. It belongs to a large portion of the diamond mines. Zimbabwe for their services in fighting the rebels had received from the Government of the DRC mining concessions for minerals, Zimbabwean companies are also involved in the development of diamond deposits. Among the major and most active robbers subsoil DRC - Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, and the three rebel factions. The minerals are mined as soldiers and local residents, organized by the Rwandan and Ugandan military officers. Rwanda practice their own delivery work force, often prisoners. Evidence of such exploitation of the subsoil the DRC can be found in official statistics. Uganda exports of gold on the documents much more than produce. This country is not being mined, and precious stones, but after the Ugandan part entered the DRC in the records of a diamond export line. In Rwanda, there is also no deposits of diamonds, cobalt, zinc, manganese and uranium.

However, all these minerals are exported. Only trade-tantalite concentrate kolumbitovym brings Rwandan military annually no less than a quarter milliadra dollars. Burundi is involved in the conflict is much weaker, but it receives dividends, regularly taking the diamonds from the DRC. According to experts, the main perpetrators of the illegal exploitation of natural resources in the DRC - Rwanda's President Kagame and President P. J. Museveni of Uganda. For example, in Uganda, a company engaged in the production and export of diamonds, gold and other resources of the Congo, act in proportion to the relatives of the president.

In this situation, surprising loyalty to the United States and the World Bank (WB), which are always Zorka monitor the purity of reforms in Africa. There is also the WB even suggested the country grabyaschie natural resources of Congo to the list of states that rely dramatic cancellation of external debt. Actively remove minerals from the DRC and foreign companies registered in Belgium, Holland, Britain, India, Germany, Pakistan, Kenya, Tanzania. Large firms often remain in the shadows, working through intermediaries, but details of their involvement in illegal operations in Africa seep. Referred to as such giants as the «De Beers», «AngloAmeriken», «American Mineral Fields» and others. His Non-involvement of illegal sale of «blood» diamonds must constantly prove Israeli ogranschiki who control half the world market for diamonds.

Anarchy or order?
Not prone to political adventurism and dictatorial zamashkam, the new President Joseph Kabila has realized that the tough position in relation to the opponents inside the country and to neighboring states will not lead to peace. At the end of January 2001 J. Kabila went to a long overseas tour. Met with leaders of France, Belgium and other EU members, with U.S. President Bill Clinton, J. Kabila enlisted the support of the Heads of the leading world powers and international organizations. In February 2001, in Lusaka at the negotiating table sat virtually all parties to the conflict.

The main outcome of the meeting was the signing of a plan to disarm the warring parties. In turn, the president of the DRC agreed to the opposition demand for the resumption of the inter-Congolese political dialogue. General approval triggered preliminary agreement on a ceasefire and the deployment in the DRC of UN peacekeepers. In addition, the parties agreed on the complete withdrawal of foreign troops from the perspective of the country.

In July last year in Pretoria (South Africa), the Presidents of Rwanda and the DRC signed an agreement on the withdrawal of the Congo 20 thousandth of Rwandan troops. Later, such a treaty was concluded, and with Uganda. Already by November most of its troops from the Congo brought Rwanda, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Angola and Namibia.

Once cease fighting in the east, come to life as has become the diamond capital - the city MbuzhiMayi. Government revenues from diamond production increased significantly. It is connected with a new course for the liberalization of the diamond industry of Congo, Kabila declared Zh.

Politics-free diamonds
Since May 10, 2001 in a policy-free diamonds. Resumed its activities previously closed skupochnye items. The Government hopes that this step will have a positive effect on stimulating the production of diamonds and the growth of foreign exchange revenue for the country.

The only large producer in the industry remains MIBA, which annually produces about 6 million carats. The remaining diamonds are accounted for by miners. That is, they have concluded and implemented most of the contraband transactions. Along with the products MIBA total diamond production officially accounts for around 20 million carats.

We can only guess how many would have received state, where 85% of diamonds that are transported from smuggling, would be sold through official channels.

Catastrophic situation in the economy is slowly improving. Back the confidence of international financial institutions: in the past year, the World Bank provided a loan to the DRC $ 410 million and a grant for $ 44 million previously received from the IMF loan for $ 750 million to fight poverty. The head, James Wolfensohn, World Bank, even promised to write off most of the 12-billion debt.

Until the world is still far
Unfortunately, until a full peace in the country is still far. Plunder of natural resources of the Congo continue to government and financial circles of Rwanda, Uganda, Zimbabwe and other countries. Power vacuum created after the withdrawal of foreign troops could lead to peace and stability and to further acts of violence.

Recently, in the north-east, where there are large deposits of gold, once again fighting broke out. As a result of clashes between militias Hema and Lendu ethnic groups from the beginning of 2003 killed several hundred people, but for four years, the number of victims in the province exceeded 50 thousand. Intertribal conflict constantly heated intervention by Uganda and Rwanda, who supply the weapons rival tribes.

In June 2003 the UN Security Council sent to the Congo polutoratysyachny contingent of peacekeepers. But the hope that he will be able to radically change the situation and reconcile the warring parties, negligible. If the earlier robbery involved the army, but now a whole system of tax fraud, robbery, extortion, large-scale theft of public funds.

Dozens of rebel groups are kept separate for the conquest of the Government of the Territory, and in their free time trying to destroy the fighting each other. For them, the main thing - to hold captured territory and to take advantage of the natural wealth. The rebels have not agreed to negotiate with the Government world, offering foreign companies to buy rights to use the subsoil for the country under their territories. Currently, few dare predict the future of the Republic of the Congo - too much blood was shed on this land, and too often hope for a world tayali under the weight of circumstances, chief among them is greed. In the best case to take several years before the DRC will be able to achieve a moderately prosperous, even by African standards, the fate of a major supplier of raw materials on world markets. At worst - the country finally turned into a conglomerate of independent of each other regions controlled by foreign armies and capital.

Alexander Potapov

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