Friday, May 1, 2009

Japan tempered positive

Japanese Central Bank hopes to start reviving the economy next year. However, the size of the revival in the corrected downward. At such a positive for the bank is established: promproizvodstvo and exports rose for the first time in a long time, the key interest rate is still low

Japan, the second largest economy of the world, hoped for the best. Let now all the bad, the crisis and the economy falls into a chasm. But next year, comes the revival, I'm sure the Bank of Japan. In his forecast, gross domestic product growth will resume in the 2010 fiscal year, after declining by 3.1% in the current fingodu.

However, Japanese CB slightly temper their appetites: GDP growth in fingodu beginning 1 April 2010, amount to 1.2%. Previously predicted an increase of 1,5%, reports Bloomberg. The decline in GDP this year was up 2% in accordance with the January forecast, and will fall much lower.

The Japanese economy is suffering because of the sharp drop in exports since last September, but in March the first signs of easing recession.

Bank of Japan said that the global economy shows signs of leveling, and Japan will recover from a moderate pace "since the second half of the current fingoda (September 2009 - March 2010). Following the world will rise from the ashes, and Japan.

Remember, Japan's GDP declined by 12.1% in October-December 2008 compared to same period in 2007, and analysts expect a similar reduction in January-March.

I hope the Central Bank of Japan has some foundation. Industrial production in Japan rose in March for the first time in 6 months - at 1.6%, which is twice higher than analysts' expectations. Exports also gives positive signals. He grew up in the last month compared to February for the first time since May 2008.

Meanwhile, the Bank of Japan steadfastly refused zeroed bid. Following the meeting on 29-30 April, he left it unchanged - at 0.1%.

The last time the Bank of Japan reduced interest rates in December - up to 0.1%. Prior to this, in late October, Japanese Central Bank lowered the key rate for the first time in seven years - from 0.5% to 0.3%. After December's loss of value of loans transferred to the Central Support finsektora by purchasing bank assets.

The economic situation is gradually stabilizing, and in recent weeks, no significant changes in the economy, which would require the immediate raising or lowering interest rates.

"At the exit of the recession of Japan will take time - said the chief economist of Daiwa SB Investments Yasuhiro Onakado. - Companies may cut jobs and kapinvestitsii, and this will reduce the positive impact of any incentives."

Prime Minister Taro Aso of Japan, in April announced a program to stimulate a record 15.4 trillion yen level ($ 158 billion) aimed at maintaining the country's economy.

Stock indices of Asia soared as a result of trades on Thursday after data promproizvodstve in Japan exceeded expectations, and restored optimism about the ease of recession in the second-largest economy of the world. Composite index of Asia-Pacific region MSCI Asia Pacific jumped on Thursday to 3.5% - up to 91.08 points. In April, rose by 13%, which is the best result for the month of October 1998. World MSCI World stock index jumped to the beginning of the month on record for his 20-year history of 11%.

"The most important conclusion is that the worst period of crisis is behind us" - said the representative of Daiwa SB Investments Masayuki Kubota.

So even if the forecast economic growth of Japan and deteriorated, but hope dies last. Authorities believe that the crisis will not be around forever. Moreover, they expect that the recovery will begin in the coming year.


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