Wednesday, March 24, 2010

White House Passes Historic Health Bill

Adjustments relating to abortion, have become the most significant changes in the bill, Democrats have been approved, but the Republicans had expected growth of its constituencies.

President Obama, joined by Vice President Joe Biden (Joe Biden), addressed the nation on Sunday evening after the final vote.

The biggest changes in decades in the field of health have been taken on Capitol Hill on Sunday evening, which was the culmination of generations of Democratic attempts to achieve universal health insurance.

Faced with condemnation of voters in the autumn, the Democrats know that they can overcome the fear of the bill, which is 1 / 6 of the U.S. economy. The final battle in the meeting room once again exposed the contradictions that have split the Congress and the nation last year.

The White House there was a final vote on the bill the Senate on health care by a margin of seven votes (219 to 212), showing the advantages of the numerical superiority of Democrats. During the final roll-call vote, all Republicans and 34 Democrats, adhering to the views of Republican, voted in the negative.

After some time had been approved a bill amending the Senate bill (220 votes against 211), this measure was needed to attract support from the White House. These changes are currently made in the Senate, who is expected to action this week. All the Republicans voted against the companion bill, as Democrats and 33.

President Obama, who built his electoral program for major health reform, helped nominate her at the last minute, promising to issue a government order, which makes it clear that the $ 940 billion bill will not be paid money for abortions. This convinced the Republican Bart Stupak (Bart Stupak), abstention, a Democrat from Michigan, to vote "for" and bring with him, at least, 7 colleagues.

President Obama spoke shortly before midnight in the White House. "While experts say that this is impossible, we have risen above the level of our politics," - he said, starting to vote. "We have proved that the government is still working for the people."

Much had to be moved for the approval of the bill, which has caused many in Washington controversy in the past year, ranging from voting on Christmas Eve and ending with an unexpected election as a Republican from Massachusetts Scott Brown (Scott Brown), who changed the plans of the Democrats.

"You will join those who approved the program for the elderly health care and social security, the program for health care for all Americans," - said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) (Nancy Pelosi), calling on Democrats to unite their efforts. "This is a true American way, which will support the traditions of our country."

Minority Leader John Boehner (John Boehner) (Ohio) criticized the bill and said that the Democrats are going against the will of its people. "Shame on the party, shame on every one of you who have exchanged wishes of the people of the country on their own," - he said. "Our decisions today we betray their values."

Republicans hope to use this bill to reduce the Democrats to minority status, citing polls showing that most Americans against the bill, Democrats also believe that the law will immediately support them.

According to the U.S. Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the bill will extend health care for 32 million Americans who currently do not have insurance. This program will provide insurance every American the same opponents would try to appeal this decision in the courts. In order to reach more people, the bill expands the Medicaid program, federal public health program for the poor, and gives grants to families whose total annual income is $ 88,000.

The Democrats emphasize the introduction of popular provisions in the bill, for example, the requirement for insurance companies to take already sick people. Republicans criticized the tax increase, and claimed the bar for medical assistance for the elderly needed to finance subsidies.

A wide-ranging Senate bill was designed to quickly become law with the support of the White House. Some doubts remain concerning the package of changes, which are now engaged in the Senate. Democratic leaders said that they have the necessary votes for approval, but the Republicans are trying to undermine or make it change in order to make adoption more difficult. These changes were to increase the size of subsidies and reduction of "at no suggestions of some senators, which aroused a storm of protests.

According to CBO, this package will keep the budget deficit is not lower than $ 143 billion over 10 years. Republicans called this an unrealistic estimate. CBO also assumes that 95% of U.S. residents will be insured by 2019, today it is 83%.

Sunday circulation was greeted with protests activists Tea Party, which filled the Capitol Hill, Republicans also expressed dissatisfaction with the negotiations among Democrats in the last minute. "Where is the transparency of action? Where these backroom deals? "- Asked Republican Jack Kingston.

The bill, which is almost buried in January due to the fact that the Democrats lost their majority (60 votes) in the Senate, so necessary to overcome Republican resistance, fuel grassroots anger. Activists chanted for passing through Congress, Democrats: "Kill Bill (kill the bill)!".

The focus on Sunday was focused on the issue of abortion. Several Democrats, led by Republican Stupak, has been refused to support the bill, arguing that the legislation does not go down so far as to hold the funds from paying for abortions. They appreciated the disposal of Obama, but the Roman Catholic Church and other groups against abortion does not seem so enthusiastic.

Someone from the Republican Party, shouted: "The murderer of children!" That belonged to Stupak, who defended the bill in the White House.

A significant number of the business community opposes the changes, arguing that the bill was too broad in scope and will require increased tax revenue. "It will make us one of the most vysokooblagaemyh regions in the world, and this will affect people's appetite for investing in medical innovation," - said Bill Hawkins (Bill Hawkins), the executive director of the Medtronic Inc., Which manufactures medical equipment. He said that his company may reduce, at least 1,000 jobs because of rising taxes by 2.3% for medical equipment manufacturers.

Insurers face tough regulation, given that new rules will dictate to them how much they will profit and who they should insure.

Hospitals, doctors, drug manufacturers and a group AARP supported the restructuring of the system, saying it would reduce spending on health and everyone can get medical care.

"This is not about health," - said Republican James Cliburn (James Clyburn) from South Carolina. "This is an attempt to extend the basic fundamental rights of people who are not so powerful."

Franzi Levin (Francee Levin), an actress from Colombia, where 57 years, said she was unable to obtain insurance payments, when it shot down a drunk driver. "I think that now I can get some help, which would have been a blessing for me" - she said.

However Kolhoun Catherine (Catherine Calhoun) from Seynt Frantsvilya said she worried that her husband's employer refuses to insure themselves and their families will have to apply to set up an insurance fund in order to get help. This can lead to what she would have to find new doctors to its seven-year son Billy, who suffers from a rare bone disease.

"Maybe I will have to deal with people who will not have sufficient expertise to treat such diseases," - said Mrs. Kolhoun.

In anticipation of a vote, Obama urged Democrats to focus on those who will help and not to worry about the political difficulties. "A good policy - it is good policy," - he said.

Republicans said they expected large changes in the autumn. "I would be more likely opponent of the bill and said:" Let's start anew, "- said Senator John Kornin (Texas) (John Cornyn), chairman of the national Republican senatorial committee. "This will be the determining factor in November 2010, and, if passed, in 2012, when the president will run for re-election.

In accordance with the legislation, consumers will see changes in a few months. Insurers will not be able to put lifetime limits on coverage. Children can be insured under the tutelage of their parents to 26 years. Changes may be bumpy, as insurers are warning that will not accept the changes so quickly.

Most of the bill will not take effect until 2014. Once the tax benefits and free medical care will be expanded, most Americans will have to be insured or to pay annual contributions equal to $ 695, or 2.5% of revenue.

Employers had to provide for insurance coverage or pay a fine of up to $ 3000 per employee. These data suggest that the Senate ultimately will have to adopt a package of changes approved by the White House.

The increase in taxes necessary to finance the program, will cover various industries from insurers to solariums. During the next decade, the new rates, equivalent to $ 108 billion will fall on insurers, drug manufacturers and companies that produce medical equipment. Families earning more than $ 250,000 a year will pay a higher tax on medical care for the elderly, and will pay a higher tax on income such as dividends. Volumetric insurance plans would translate into 40% tax, since 2018.

The second bill, led by the Senate, Obama will be ready to fulfill the second great goal: to modernize the federal credit program for students. This will put an end to subsidies for banks and credit responsibility will shift to the federal government. This part of the package of changes is still awaiting approval of the Senate.

The Wall Street Journal

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