Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Deutsche Bank: the dollar will continue to strengthen against the yen

According to currency analysts Deutsche Bank, the U.S. dollar continues to strengthen against the Japanese yen, as markets began to consider a more confident compared with the predictions restoring the U.S. economy and high interest rates outside of Japan. Also, note in the bank, the markets are increasing speculation about a possible mitigation of monetary policy the Bank of Japan, which would be a sharp contrast to the tightening of policy in other countries. Analysts do not expect the bank's change of course the Central Bank of Japan, but speculation Japanese monetary policy can have a significant impact on the yen. The bank recommended investors to choose the yen as the currency of funding instead of the dollar and the franc. Strategists Bank expects growth of a pair of dollar / yen to a level of 100.00 during the three months and to a mark of 105.00 during the year. At the moment pair dollar / yen is at 90.66.

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