Thursday, May 14, 2009

Spirals (Logarithmic Spiral)


Above presented daily schedule Intel (INTC). Diagonal blue line represents the trend line between two extreme values of prices, based on the initial and final date specified in the parameters shown below. In this example, a spiral constructed by clockwise direction from the end point trend line.


• Start - the start date / time trend line, which is based on the spiral.
• End - end date / time trend line, which is based on the spiral.
• Rotation - The number of full rotations the spiral, which will be built on schedule, beginning with the end point trend line.
• Direction - the spiral can be constructed in either direction - clockwise or counter-clockwise.
• Cycle 1, 5, 9 .... - This parameter specifies the color and line thickness of 1-st, 5 th, 9 th, 13th, etc. rotating spiral.
• One color - if this option is marked, all the speed (cycles), the spiral will use the same color and thickness of the line.


Indicator "Spiral", also known as the "Logarithmic Spiral", provides a link between the analysis of price and time, and may help in predicting prices, and time. Like indicators like Fibonacci Recovery, Dugi Fibonacci angles and Hanna, the indicator "Spiral" is based on the trend line, which connects the major maximum and minimum. The spiral can be constructed in the direction of clockwise or counter-clockwise, starting from the end point trend line. Indicator "Spiral" is included in the standard package tools, and some graphics programs can easily be added to the technical trader's arsenal. For example, in the "Investor / RT" to add the indicator "Spiral" on the schedule you must use the corresponding button on the toolbar. After clicking on spirals - click on the graph a line connecting any two bars between which you would like to hold a trend line. Then the spiral will be automatically built from the end of this trend line. End point trend lines can then move to another bar. In addition, the software package "Investor / RT" may regulate, directly from the keyboard. The keyboard can be used to move the trend line ends spirals to the right and left. First, you must click on the desired schedule. Then, pressing the right or left arrow to ensure that the spiral has been allocated. After that, pressing the right or left arrow to move the entire trend line to the right or left one bar. To move the trend line up or down, just click the arrow up or down on the keyboard. If you wish to move only the end point, you should hold down the "Ctrl" by pressing right or left arrow. If you wish to move only the starting point trend line, you must hold down the "Shift" while clicking the right or left arrow. Also, you can quickly increase or decrease the thickness of the line spirals using a combination of keys "Ctrl" with an arrow pointing up or down.

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