Thursday, May 14, 2009

On the possible forms of the current economic crisis

The world economy is likely to zastryanet mired in a protracted economic downturn. Says the former president of the World Bank and chairman of Citigroup, James Wolfensohn. In his view, the debate on what form will the current economic downturn (V, U or L-shaped) to continue, but the Wolfensohn inclined to the latter option and saw no opportunity for a speedy recovery. Similar views is of the American economist and Nobel laureate Paul Krugman, who this week said that it was V-shaped economic downturn "extremely unlikely". Retail sales in the U.S. unexpectedly fell in April, the second month in succession, and thus increase the rate of unemployment induces consumers to save their money. Professor New York University Nourel Rubin predicted the current financial crisis, which also does not believe in the likelihood of a rapid deal. In his view, presented at last week's forecasts of analysts regarding the restoration of the American economy in the third and fourth quarter "too optimistic".

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