Sunday, May 3, 2009

Offshore: Questions and Answers

In the previous issue of the journal "Foreign exchange speculator" was published on the new draft of the magazine - issues related to the development of offshore zones. This theme attracted considerable interest readers of the magazine. Received a number of responses indicating that the "industry" offshore business is not only part of the infrastructure market FOREX, but also a tool for the global economy.

Continuing the publication of material on the subject, the editors of the magazine has interviewed several companies that offer consulting services in the offshore business. The questions were based on the letters and phone calls readers. Answers to questions readers have been provided courtesy of Vadim Semashevym, Deputy Director General of Finance, "conclave-Holding, and Elena Naida, a lawyer of international department of Evrokonsalt.

What are the parameters necessary to evaluate companies that provide services for registration of offshore companies?

Conclave Holding: The question really is, the provocative. Logically, we must now all tell why we should be treated. If you put aside false modesty and see everything from, you will need to assess all the characteristics of the company immediately. The ultimate objective of the client - to get money for the minimum possible as quickly as possible reaching the ultimate goals of service with a guarantee to return to the same company, if there is a need for additional services or for further legal assistance.

Experience. It is difficult to assess directly, because are affected and duration of the registration of the legal firm, and qualifications of staff. Typically, the experience is evaluated in the course of personal communication.

"The seriousness of" the office. A lot of organizations and individuals to attract externally apparent profitability of attempting to engage in this serious business. Most advertising is given only a mobile phone, which obviously cost less than the representation space with a set of employees with a narrow specialization. It is dangerous for the external drive and cheap service to one year without legal support for their offshore company. If the office is a multi-phone, so no one has his own site on the Internet and e-mail, with all employees in the operational, it is also about something said.

The availability of a wide range of services to the presence of professionals on all fronts: legal, banking, translation, notarization, the ability to develop complex long-term scheme, consulting on related issues must be present, at least.

Powers. A good sign when choosing a law firm is the existence of its own agents in offshore countries, rather than working through intermediaries in Russia, as well as its authority from the bank to open accounts without leaving the country, with the receipt of all funds for the management of specific accounts without leaving your office . This ensures both speed and reliability in the work (at least the cost of services) and a higher degree of privacy.

The nature of the documents. Let this appearance, but self-respecting lawyer working well and for a long time, you do not sell papers to an international company mauled an envelope from the mail, where they came from some "of Brazil, where a lot of wild monkeys, or alleged U.S. documents, printed on European A4 paper.

If you match the settings on all the preceding paragraphs the basic rate - the price. Best advice - reviews your friends.

Evrokonsalt: If you are interested in services of the company and arranged for its pricing policy, then, before making a formal order, arrange a meeting and pay attention to the office of the company, its employees, the existence of an advertising brochure, ie try to make sure that the company was not a "firm-odnodnevok, moving from office to office. You can also request the company registration certificate and charter - this kind of information is not confidential and should be accessible to all interested persons.

Finally, the recommendations of your friends, once used the services of the company, may also serve as an indicator of its reliability.

What is the cost of services for the registration of an offshore company and why it depend on?

Conclave Holding: Cost of services consists of several factors: the registration fee in a particular country, the cost of the legal address of the registered companies, famous recording company in the country of registration, the proposed set of instruments and the degree of legalization, the need to spend on services of nominee directors and / or shareholders, Finally, work experience law firm to which you applied, and a wholesale turnover of the companies, which it sells. According to the final price is very difficult to judge the quality of the product, because You can start your own business at a law firm to buy the worst set of documents for the same money, you can buy a company without a well-structured problems in the future know their business organization.

Evrokonsalt: Fees for registration of a company depends on several factors.

First, from the jurisdiction in which you wish to register offshore.

Secondly, the complete set of company documents and a package of additional services that you order: the use of nominee service, opening a bank account, etc.

In the third, from the organizational-legal forms of companies. For example, the normal international commercial companies, investment fund, trust or insurance companies vary greatly in complexity of the registration process and, consequently, prices.

Of course, the cost of registration depends on the pricing policy law firm to which you are applying.

Do I need to register an offshore company with a presence in the country of registration?

Conclave Holding: Of course not. Personal presence is needed only in certain European countries. Typically, the direct processing of documents for the registration is registering the company in the country of registration, which works under a contract with a law firm in which you requested, or to simply register offshore companies "for sale". Properly documented allow later type your name in the pre-designed (and sometimes pre-legalized), the constituent documents. In countries with a high degree of privacy you have in this way is appointed director of the company, in others - receive authorization from the nominally designated individuals at the actual management of your company.

Evrokonsalt: Your presence in the country is not necessarily, as is the presence of your agent - a legal company. All registration is conducted through specialized companies, registrars, who are resident in the jurisdiction and perform all the necessary formalities.

Is Internet-based technologies in the registration of offshore companies?

Conclave Holding: In fact in the registration of Internet technology is not currently used. I think this is neskoro. But as a means of communication between the Russian legal entity and registered firms in offshore countries, the Internet has long been pushed out to all the usual fax. In some countries, connected to the Internet information server registration chambers, but this relates mainly to the civilized countries, and does not apply to offshore in the classic sense. "

Evrokonsalt: Indeed, today information technology advanced enough to be recorded in the company's on-line. This applies to such a technologically developed nations such as Britain and the United States.

In the on-line you connect with the State Registration Chamber, fill out the form for appointment of directors, secretaries and shareholders of the company, after checking the name of your company's future on nepovtoryaemost and determining the address of registered office. Every form you certify digital signatures.

In order to register a company in the on-line, you need special software. Buy it only from the local specialist providers.

It should be noted that the technology on-line registration has not yet reached many offshore jurisdictions.

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