Monday, May 4, 2009

Obama promises to decrease the share of Wall Street in the U.S. economy

The proportion of the financial sector in the United States economy would fall. The opinion was expressed by U.S. President Barack Obama in an interview with New York Times Magazine. «Wall Street will remain a major, important part of our economy, just like it did in the 70 th and 80 th. Simply, it cease to be half of the U.S. economy », - said Obama.

According to his opinion, the fact that the prevalence of corporate profits in the U.S. financial sector in GDP in the last 10 years - this is some aberration, distortion. Obama noted that this situation will change «is partly due to new rules that will stop the massive leverage [the use of borrowed funds for the transactions. -] and the massive risk-taking that have become common ». The American president is confident that increased regulation could help restore confidence in the financial system.

Obama also said that former employees of the financial industry could go in other areas to become engineers or designers. «We do not want a college graduate with a degree in mathematics became a trader derivatives», - he stressed.

According to officials, «market recovered securitized products», and the U.S. authorities intend to find out if this is the result of steps taken by the Fed or the Ministry of Finance. «I am optimistic about the fact that this part of the financial sector recovered, but returned to the trust and confidence you need to wait».

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