Monday, May 4, 2009

Buffett endorsed the Federal Government, United States

Billionaire Warren Buffett on the statement on Saturday praised the actions of the federal government to rectify and restore the U.S. financial system. He estimated that most financial companies, thanks to the support of the liquidity of the credit market, stood the "financial storm". "Overall, I recommend further action by the Government. However, early recovery is unlikely to be expected because the economy has withstood severe shocks", - he said. He also said that he would abstain from the dates of forecasts of economic recovery, according to him, the United States stood "economic Pearl Harbor." To illustrate the problems in the economy, Buffett indicated the commercial receipt, according to which profits from purchase of government bonds amounting to 5 million profit made by the end of the year only 90.07 dollars, which is proof of certain loss-making activities in the financial markets investment funds. "This was no ordinary year," - he said. Last year was the worst for the stock Buffett year since 1965. Income Fund on the basis of last year fell by 62%, and amounted to 4.99 billion dollars, the worst in the history of the company, but much stronger than the majority of these finance companies.

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