Monday, March 16, 2009

Personal Responsibility

Vadim grapple is a professional trader and author of the book "Profession - intra-day trader."

Ego may ultimately play a significant role in the failure of the trader. When the ego to influence decisions over time there would be no room for consistency.

Another condition, which sometimes show the traders, is a strange ability to try to make sense of market movements, which occur in the irrational manner. I am talking about when the market moves down with the positive economic data, or conversely increased by the negative news. Logic dictates that there should be a clear correlation of the market. All the bad news creates downward motion, and all the good news form the upward movement. This evidence does not always work. Market-makers, institutional investors, analysts and individual traders - all have their own intentions and their own opinions as to where to find the equilibrium market price. However, it is very difficult to determine what these parties, playing in a major, make, when they do. For most of us, it is simply impossible to know. This is what leads traders to look for an easy explanation of what happened. Sadly, these traders take any reasonable explanation, they suggested. Then, there is the same case in the next time, they expect the same result. When this does not happen, they accuse those who suggested that the previous explanation. These people just propose another reasonable explanation, which was also adopted and the cycle continues. As long as the trader does not begin to understand themselves, as it occurs, it will never be able to progress as a trader, knowing what is happening behind the "curtain". It is wrong to blame given him the information and not trying to find out what happened in reality, so as not to repeat the same mistakes.

When a trader goes further, it is similar to education, when a trader finally understands that what happened in reality, it does not matter. What was important, it was simple - the market was moving in a certain direction, and a trader could make a profit in a result or not. This clarity allows the trader to trade to improve and strengthen their own responsibility. The market was moving, he does not know why, but he was traded, based on what he saw on the market. He has received or the gain or loss, based on what he saw. It was his personal trading, and only him. The market does not spoil him a deal and market-makers deliberately did not commit the movement of the market in one direction or another to harm this particular trader. Market-makers, you and all the other members working in the motion of the tool market in some way, none of you has no intention to do anything with each other, and act only in accordance with their own intentions. If this happens, it is the intention of forcing you to quit with a profit or loss, it was your decision, not them. Your transaction is in you the most. If you succeed, you do not have anyone to thank but himself. You are the one who decides, and clicks on the keyboard. If you fail, you there is nobody to blame but himself. You are the one who decides, and clicks on the keyboard. Learn to trust yourself and your abilities. If you can do this, then you become personally responsible for their trade. This is a step in the right direction.

Each trading system has many possibilities. Understand and develop self-confidence is understanding the link between trade and trader of mechanical creative side of trade. Traders must rely on themselves, their thoughts, ideas, feelings and actions. Trusting yourself, they increase this portion of its trade. Without this, the trader continues to see the events that happen to him, like going outside, which could be someone to blame. There will always be this external force, which takes their profits and destroying their lives, stole their money. There will be no kind of control over the trade, because they allow external forces to implement it. To be successful in this business, the trader must maintain this control for themselves.

To make a profit on a long-term basis, a trader must understand that the answer is in himself. Trader operates on the basis of their own confidence, and based on what he sees. It takes a lot of time interacting with the market, the understanding of mechanics, finding a number of other traders, and active participation in order to get a sense of the market. If it is negative zagromozhdeno external information, such as theories of market makers and the degradation of the market, the trader does not increase your level of study of the real and underlying causes of what has just happened to him. He only will continue to take things as they are. His losses far outweigh his profit, and he ceases to trade in the future at all. Humans can not pass life by blaming someone else or something else that does not belong to them. I can not understand why many people think that trade is something different in this sense. The responsibility lies within each of us. Accept it and move on to develop himself as a dispassionate approach to trade, and domestic, I will be your decision and, hopefully, eventually, lead you to consistently successful career in commerce.

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