Sunday, March 22, 2009

Frank, born of suffering

In autumn 1356 the French King John II to the 20 thousandth army overtook five thousandth the British squad, who were returning with a rich prey, after raids in Loire. The French burned the thirst for revenge. They were spit that their opponents have put around his corral, and dig around, ready for battle ...

How much is a king?
King John tried to stop their subordinates. Explained that the English camp, in fact - the same castle. He offered to wait until at least morning and evening was not far off. All in vain - knights in battle. Alas, the British gave them to understand that the art of war - it is «not a sword to wave». Sixteen times brilliant French cavalry went over the top. But opponents of the noble met boom, maim and kill horses. French losses were appalling - more than 1500 knights, the color of the nation. Very brave and very stupid. But most importantly - in captivity into the French king himself. By the end of the right ideals of chivalry, John did not retreat along with the other. King destroy opponents a huge ax, and beside him stood his 14-year-old son Philip and shouted: «Father, the attention of the left, right, rear!»
Englishmen rejoiced. Now they can dictate their will to the French. And for the beginning of the King offered to redeem himself for the 4 million gold. Dauphin Charles, who quit sensibly with the remnants of the army, as the obedient son tried to save his father from captivity. He put together the States General, and demanded from them one thing - money. But MPs are not going to shell out. They recalled King John and his AWKWARD lesion, and the imposition of new taxes, and the damage to money, having to walk in that time. Coins «big white» form already contain barely half the silver from what was in the beginning of King. States General demanded the resignation of the old royal advisers and the elimination of tax privileges of the nobility. They proposed to tax even the clergy. Dauphin Charles particular choice is not necessary. In the end, was hit on his hands. MPs have promised money, but instead assigned by the States of the functions of the supreme legislative and judicial and executive authority in the country.

JOHN II (Jean II, Jean le Bon) (1319-1364), called the good, the king of France. John, son of King Philip VI (the first dynasty of Valois), and his first wife Joan of Burgundy, was born in the castle-Gedeh Lightning (near Le Mans) April 16, 1319 ascended the throne in 1350 after the death of his father. John did not have the talent statesman, he was appointed to senior government posts dishonest people and spoils the coin in order to obtain funds for the war with England. John died in London on April 8, 1364 dividing ownership among the four sons, John left his successors to the throne of the heavy legacy, particularly Philip the Brave, who inherited Burgundy.

But when ordinary citizens know how much they will pay, they took up arms. Carl fled from Paris. He tried to stifle the rebel starvation, blocking the the introduction of products in the capital. All this is up the cup of patience neighboring farmers. Started what later became known in history «jacquerie».

With a sword and a horse
Only at the cost of incredible effort and rivers of blood spilled in the country managed to bring relative order. Even the British penetrated the French kingdom and the suffering sbavili amount of ransom for the King to three million. Through the intervention of the Vatican signed the peace.

King John was released from captivity on parole, that person was able to squeeze out of the scorched towns and 12 villages and a half tons of gold. John famously roll up our sleeves. But the dauphin Charles, and all survivors advisers together in his tsyknuli. Indeed, some rebel farmers perebito was more than 20 thousand, and the execution stopped only because of the fear that there will be harvest.

Then John decided to hold a monetary reform. Since reducing the proportion of silver in the forms were already beyond nowhere, it is aimed at the gold coins.

Royal Ordinance all subjects were asked to pass on remelting old coins, including foreign ones. In return, started chasing the new to 3.8 grams of weight - with the image of the king of horse with a sword. Legend of the coin reads: «Iohannes dei gracia francorv rex». Rex francorv - King of France. Hence the name of the new coins - «equestrian franc», or franc. It was worth 20 Tours salts. Loyal subjects, however, does not hurry to carry the royal coffers of all its ECU liondory, shesdory and angeloty. John Preeti and prizadumalsya.

At that time, escaped from Calais, Prince Louis, the remainder in the hands of the English as a hostage. King John nobly went into exile instead. I whether he will remain faithful to the traditions of knight, or an honorary captivity seemed devastated homeland after a quiet haven - the truth, we do not know. Redemption for his father Charles V was never paid. John died in London on April 8, 1364, leaving his successors difficult legacy.

Above all, France, thanks to his rule, Knight lost about a third of its territory. And acquired a monetary unit - franc.

Alexei Sinelnikov

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