Friday, March 20, 2009

Interests in time for Wall Street

NEW YORK. Federal investigators arrested a mysterious man with outstanding ability to trade the stock market on charges of using insider information - and, incredibly, he claims that he was a traveler in the days of 2256!

Sources in the Securities and Exchange Commission confirm that 44-year-old Andrew Kalsin offered fanciful explanation of his incredible success in the stock market, after having been removed in handcuffs on January 28, 2003. "We do not believe in the history of this guy - he is either crazy or a pathological liar," said the representative of the commission. "But the fact is that without the initial investment in the $ 800, for two weeks, he made more than $ 350 million. Each of his deal, makes a profit as a result of unexpected economic and business news that can not be pure luck. The only way he could do so, it is the illegal use of confidential information. He would sit in a prison cell at Rikers Island until you agree to open their sources. "

In 2003, the indistinct movement of share prices have left most investors' portfolios is not at its best. Therefore, when Kalsin made a series of 126 high-risk transactions, and each time left with a solid gain, it has forced even the wonder-beaten guard Wall Street.

"If action is something the company increased because of the merger or major technological breakthrough, which, as expected, it was classified, Mr. Kalsin, one way or another, knew about it beforehand," said a source in the Securities Commission closely associated with the ongoing investigation.
When investigators brought Kalsina for questioning, they were more than anticipated - the stunning four-recognition.

Kalsin stated that he had traveled in time for 200 years from the future, where it is generally true that our era experienced one of the worst stock falls in history. And any armed with knowledge about a certain stake, can make well-being.

"It was so tempting, that it was difficult to resist this, confidentially told Kalsin in his filmed on video recognition. "I had planned to do this is to look natural. You know, losing a little here and there, so that it does not look too perfect. But I was carried away and was captured
moment. "

In exchange for the offer of leniency, Kalsin, according to available information, has offered to publish "historical facts", like the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden and a cure for AIDS.

All that he wants - so that he was allowed to return to the future in his "Time Machine". However, he refused to show the location of the mechanism or to discuss how it works, perhaps out of fear that the technology could fall into the "wrong hands". Officers are confident that the statements "travel time" is fiction. Still, a source in the Securities Commission recognizes that no one can find any information on Andrew Kalsina available until December 2002. "

Forex Magazine
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