Monday, March 16, 2009

For those who are at an impasse 5

Concluding the series on the psychological aspects of trading, should address this most important topic, as PRAVILNOE closing the position.

Based on our observations over several years beginning traders and traders, professionals, can all this motley tradespeople to qualify not only for the style of the game, your arsenal of trading tactics and preferences in trade in different time periods, but also on the ability of each individual trader's suffer losses and gains.

So, can roughly be divided all of this community at risk of two types of players: being able to endure the losses and the ability to tolerate a profit.

Unfortunately, traders, harmoniously combining both of these qualities, and able to adequately and promptly respond to changing market conditions, are rare as pearls in the clams.

Generally, for greater visibility, we suggest you call them "traders-sadistic" (able to tolerate the gain), and traders-masochist "(able to tolerate the loss).

So, my friends, should make one very important conclusion: the players, by nature has generously endowed with such deserves praise the quality of patience in the end very soon find themselves "outside" market-based conflicts.

And, equally, fast "drain" their deposits as "sadistic" and "masochist".

Some, in anticipation of larger profits, are closed as a result, the "bezubytkah. As a result, in the absence of growth in the deposit, a trader in search of better methods, began to "weave".

Others, however, also in anticipation of forecasted trends, well drained their accounts, closing the position or when the continuation of the wrong trend becomes too obvious, or when the broker notifies him of the sympathy marzhin-col.

So, when it should close the position?
Perhaps better than Alexander Elder, a recognized stock exchange Maître psychology, it does not tell. Therefore, we felt it necessary to quote in full the comments of the author's honored us with regard to the latter aspect.

"Acknowledge the loss emotionally very hard, and close the positions in case of success even more difficult. You can automatically recognize a small loss, if sufficiently disciplined to set the level of exit immediately after entering the game. Profit requires reflection. If the market moves in your side, you will need to decide whether to extract profits, wait, or add to your position.

A lover's head can go round of reflection on what to do with profit. It multiplies the number of items in their dollar value and is the tide of greed: though the game is, though profits are growing. Then the market moved against him, and he feels the tide of fear: grab profits now while it's not The player, obey your feelings, not able to accept a reasonable solution.

One of the serious mistakes of players is counting the money when their position is still open. Counting money paralyzes the mind. It prevents you from thinking rationally. If you notice that calculates a nominal profit, and decide that it is possible to buy it - throw it out of the head! If not, then close your position.

If the novice takes the profits too early, then it is indignant at himself for not having left money on the table. He decides that the next time vyzhdet and lose money, solarize. If you get lost profits because of the rollback, the next time he was missing her as soon as possible, and overlooks a large movement of the market. The market pulls for the sense of a player, but the twitch in response.

The player who responds to your feelings, rather than an objective reality outside, be sure to lose. He can make a profit here and there, but eventually depart from the market, even if the system and gives it a good deal. Greed and fear destroy players, obscuring their minds. The only way to succeed in the game is to use their mind. "

Perhaps, there is a need that is added to the above ...

So, gentlemen players, good luck to you. Do not allow emotions to attract you. Keep your mind cool throughout trading.

And remember that that this folk wisdom as "the patience and work - all peretrut" applies more to daily life, and least of all to practice trading.

And remember that that this folk wisdom as "the patience and work - all peretrut" applies more to daily life, and least of all to practice trading.

Wahid Valiev, Rinat Mescherov.

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