Tuesday, March 17, 2009

For those who have stalled 4

It may be that today's boards seem to something unspecific, or, conversely, too "lying on the surface, but since we brought the question of fundamental change not only the methods of work, but also her style, it can not be trifles.

So, in contrast, from say, any clearing house or hedge fund, which simply are doomed to a permanent presence in the market, we - treydrery-individuals, can afford the luxury of selective re-entry.

The best moment for this may be the next "pribivanie" crowd, as was pointed out in the sixth board. Certainly calm frame of mind, and the ability to carefully analyze, in deciding on the opening pozitsiizh.

Never do this in order to win back previously lost. Often, these motivations lead us to even greater losses. The market, unfortunately, is not "good uncle" who knew how much you have lost until now, and entered sympathy to you, would catch up ...

In fact, the picture is quite different: under the yoke of previous depressive losses novice trader, trying to aftergame, slowly and surely goes to the loss of deposit.

So COUNCIL SEVENTH: pauses after the failed trades. Do not let that desire aftergame becomes the main motivation in your game. Do not forget to Biblical truth: "upper room furnished with good intentions The road to hell."

The optimal time for such a "technical" pause may be different, and it depends not only on the trader's confidence in their own strength and experience, but also on his character and temperament. However, experience shows that this time should be sufficient to forgetting the recent negatives, and be not less than one week.

EIGHTH Council is a logical continuation of the previous board:

ACTIVE REST. In some books on trading written by foreign authors, with expertise in markets, one of the mandatory recommendations of the Council for traders to rest more often and more. And so, I am sure that is correct.

For example, one of the most popular American authors, who are not behind a decade of real trade, offers a relaxing, at least one week each month and, in addition, three months of the year.

It is, of course, keep in mind that this recommendation applies to professional traders, well-being, which consists of the results of their daily trade. However, novice traders who have yet other sources of income, should heed this advice.

Leisure implies a shift of activity to one that did would not overlap with trading. Moreover, "active" does not only engage in active sports such as skydiving or extreme cycling. And above all, it is this activity that you would not mind returning to the analysis of winning, so Pace, unprofitable trades.

In short, sitting down once again for the monitor, after the now active break, you should already know how extremely cold and prudent to analyze the reasons for the recent losses

(To be continued)

Valiev Wahid

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