Saturday, February 21, 2009

Enel has received control over Endesa

Italian energokontsern Enel acquired control of the Spanish Endesa, dokupiv 25% of the shares for 11 billion euros.

Italian power company Enel SpA has acquired control of the Spanish utility company Endesa, the company bought a quarter of the Spanish construction group Acciona. The total transaction value of about 11.1 billion euros. After its closure Enel will control 92% stake in Endesa, transmits RBC.

As stated in a press release Acciona, the company agreed to premature discharge option put and sell the 25.01% stake in Endesa by Italian Enel current price performance option. Under the deal Acciona later generation assets of Endesa, related to the renewable, cost 2.9 billion euros.

The deal to sell 25% stake in Endesa will be formally completed after approval by regulators of Spain and the European Union. Acciona will receive from Enel $ 9,6 billion and $ 1.5 billion will be paid by the early dividends from Endesa.

In March of 2007. Enel and Acciona jointly acquired Endesa, after a struggle for it have not been able to win the German company E. On and the Spanish Gas Natural. Under the agreement, Acciona has received an option to sell their shares after March 2010. at a cost of 43 euros per share. Yesterday in Madrid, Endesa shares traded at a price of 24.21 euros, that is, the market value of 25% case the package was about $ 6.3 billion

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