Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Larry Pezavento

When I visited Larry Pezavento in Tucson, Arizona, I was able to talk to Larry about his study of astrological cycles and on their books. Perhaps we know more, just watch as a professional trader, the master of their affairs, served several successful transactions during our two-day stay.

Larry Pezavento is the author of 7 books and, in private, has trained over 300 students. Larry has been a broker for "Drexal-Burnham-Lambert", he is also a former member of "CME", and now a private trader has a large hedge fund.

Larry stated that "the bowls Holy Grail" did not exist, but probably something close to this can be found in the astrological phenomena. Key world to be brought to the attention - it is Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter. He drew attention to the relative positions of the planets, eclipses, using astrological tables.

One of our visits has been monitoring the work of Larry when he traded in shares, currencies, treasury bills, contracts for soybeans, and S & P. His approach was very effective and really quite simple. He used only 2 instrument. Larry said that he was not interested in any tools like moving averages, oscillators (Stochastics and Relative Strength Index) and it does not use any, associated methodologies. I believe that the reason for this is that all these tools and techniques behind the market action.

The tool, which it uses to select the pricing objectives - this is the Fibonacci levels. His homework is to prepare for the next trading day, is to be noted at the time and day schedules Fibonacci price levels, finding the key price and beautiful graphic patterns, such as the model for "butterfly" (for details, see "The Magic Numbers" in the number 17). Multiple Fibonacci tools can be applied to the schedule, and core prices are those where there is a cluster of multiple levels for the same price. Using Fibonacci levels - 0.618, 0.786, 1.00, 1.272 and 1.618. 5 These numbers are 5 "sacred" numbers, which uses the Lari.

Indeed the same wonderful, 2nd tool used Larry - this is his own instrument, which he said, when to enter the market. This tool focuses on the time. Larry said that it is the most important aspect of scheduling. Too many traders focus on price rather than time, and that is why they have not been as successful as could be. Larry is confident in its projected time. They clearly told him where to go a long way, and when in the short. Therefore, it is not glued to the screen of your computer. In fact, he was very relaxed, when traded, and was not absorbed in the supervision of computer graphics. We noticed that Larry knows when the next turn, and while it does not come, he basically had nothing, only waited.

Thus, Larry is armed with 2 effective tools: one that focuses on the price, the other for a while. When the market traded in accordance with these two instruments, Larry places orders for opening positions, which are directed against the current trend in the market waiting for a turn. Larry is in the market at a price which corresponds to one of the Fibonacci levels of the preceding main motion. He always puts a reasonable stop-order as soon as he entered the market. Basically onrasschityvaet on the probability that the market spread and go to his party and the transaction will be successful. If the transaction fails, then its loss will be small, as protected by stop order. On the first day of our visit, he made a 7 transactions, 5 of which were winning and Losing 2, bringing him more than ten thousand dollars. Larry said that in a good day, he makes more than $ 20,000. And, of course, he expects to have good days, 3 times a week.

This method, as I noticed that Larry uses in his daily trade is that it monitors the correlation of its time to turn the market forecast. Let's call it harmony. If the graph shows a good correlation, meaning that the actual Facing occur within 15 minutes of projection time for a turn, and had the right direction entering the turn, then Larry will be confident in the temporal prediction and uses the schedule for the trade. If the correlation is not the case, the schedule is ignored. Thus, the market should be in sync and harmony with his time forecasts at its 2-minute charts.

Then, if the market is time to change the trend, Larry uses the Fibonacci levels from 5 "sacred" numbers, to see what level should be used as a price to enter the market. We watched a deal on the S & P, which he carried out - the market has fallen, but was slightly above the 1.27 level. It was time to change the market, he placed an order for the purchase of S & P at a price of 1.27 and placed a stop order a few paragraphs below. A few minutes later, S & P touched its price, traded above it for a few ticks, unfolded, and then traded up, exactly in line with expectations. I was very impressed by watching the master at work when he chose the time and turning, and turning the price. Then he turned his back to the computer and is fully focused on our conversation, no worrying about their transaction. Time for the next rotation, it was over 35 minutes, respectively, in the next 35 minutes did not require any intervention. Perhaps he had raised would warrant a stop to break even. But he wanted to show high confidence in their transactions and their tools of choice for the price and time.

Larry uses "Ensign", an older version based on DOS, written by "Ensign Software" and very popular 10 years ago. He also has the program "QCharts", but it seems to have used them as a support. His screen shows one or two graphics. He does not use any additional technical tools. During the trade, he just looks at the 2-minute charts. His charts include its own instrument of time, and Fibonacci levels, which take place when the price is to be selected to trade. If the market is at a level of 0,618, the price will be used. He does not know in advance how much profit should be after the transaction from the market. It trades based on knowledge of the next rotation, and takes the price which is at the next level of Fibonacci, when it comes to changing the trend.

While the Fibonacci levels are available, almost any software package, tool timing, which uses GEL, is its own development and not available in other software products. In doing so Larry kept it secret. Therefore, you can either try to find a tool for self-timing, or I can offer you the next set of tools of choice of time:

1. First, the use of Fibonacci levels, measuring the previous motion and calculating the percentage of using the "sacred" numbers - 0.618, 0.786, 1.00, 1.272 and 1.618.

2. Use the method Pyramid points, which suggests price levels, and measures the time. Many of the market turns occur at the end of the square. (for details, see "The Pyramid of the market" at number 18)

3. Use a fan from Hanna held a significant minima and maxima of descending trend upward trends and look for the intersection of the fan lines between themselves and with the contours of the maxima and minima. (for details, see "Market Hanna geometry" in the number 21)

4. Use a series to find recurring patterns. For example, lunar phase, etc. (for details, see "Lunar phase market" in the number 19)

Below is an example of the use of cycles as an instrument of choice of time.

example of the use of cycles as an instrument of choice of time.

This graph illustrates the use of Fibonacci levels in combination with the tool of choice of time (in this case series). Tool cycles shows an example of the minimum opening and a minimum mid-day. Connection tool of choice with the Fibonacci levels would carry out the purchase on 30 May at 12.00 at 127% at a cost of 9.45. This is not an example of one of the transactions Larry, because Larry does not consider any shares and $ 20 cheaper than using the tool of choice for its cycles of time. As an example, was chosen as a random graph to illustrate the principles described.

Of course, the tool of choice of time, Larry uses a more accurate and verified on a large number of data. His instrument gives him a competitive advantage over other traders, and significantly increases the likelihood of a successful trade. This is indeed a pleasure - the work of craftsmen who feel comfortable, confident and very successful.

Howard Arington

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