Friday, February 27, 2009

Valery Syutkin: The first money earned illegally

How do you feel about the concept of "money"?

Nikita Mikhalkov said: "Of all the arts for us the most important thing is to get money." I would add that the greatest art - the money to spend, it is very hard, harder than earning money.

And learn how to properly spend the money?

For me personally, there are two basic formulas with money. First, with the money necessary to give up without moaning. " We love to enjoy life and have to pay for the pleasure and we should be aware. In doing so, we should not think about money, or no fun, actually, and not work. And secondly - priorities. I am very easy to part with money, but I have spent their principles. Received the money should be divided: that is necessary to spend it - on the separation. Then it's easy.

While earning enough to last for fun?

Financial genius - this is the kind of person who can earn more than his wife can spend. I do not know of, no. I just became a professional and exploit their profession. It allows me to any economic situation, find a niche and does not remain empty-handed.

A business is not thought to address?

No, I deposit a businessman, I have some grip, but big business, it requires great knowledge, composure, and ... not really mine. And then this fact must be dealt himself. So is not the case, that gave the money people put in his place, and they you have done and bring profit. At best, the return is not all due to your earnings, and in the worst case, will say that everything just collapsed. We must learn to control everything himself. Here's a creative business - it is about me. I'm interested in, not poor, and for the moment all I am satisfied.

How do you feel about this "American" history, when people from the very beginning makes a fortune?

I do not belong to it. I belong to people who are 20 years lupili "at one point and did not earn more than his salary. The greater part of my life, I lived in the Soviet country, where everything was "pribito for nails, and your destiny, all was clear until the end of life: school, institute, an engineer and so on. Talked about money in one word: "not enough" and "give a loan to pay." I am still doing my love and Soviet traditions still dream of earning. I'm not evil, but the feeling that you can relax and do not jerk, "I do not attend, I still dream.

When you've earned their first money?

That was 73 years, somewhere between 7 th and 8 th grade. In fact, illegally took me to the store "light" on the street. Solyanka, for the summer, the place to go to leave the seller. I earn in one month Fair 90 rubles, which bought his first drum, which later I get a lot more. And from that moment, I never sat on the neck of the parents.

And you zaviduete people kotorve earn more than you?

White envy envy when I see that the people of their efforts is seeking something bigger than me. And then, I'm not jealous, but equal to it, I want to do something better in their situation. People are earning lot of money - people with talent and power of thought. Business - it is hard work, requiring great effort. There can be jealousy, but respect.

Is it easy to earn money in Russia?

Not more difficult than in Europe. There is still a niche, but rather at the secondary level, where you can earn, at a high level, probably has not. Although ... if a person is talented, literacy, it is quite possible that all will turn out. I've been endowed with a talent for communication, someone has the talent to turn 1 in the ruble of a hundred dollars. Only in the way! And the situation is now such a fragile, that money can not keep with them, you must kudanibud they invest.

And where would you recommend to invest?

I can recommend only one to have a profession, to believe in yourself and work! If you love something, than doing - it is ideal! The biggest value - it is time to hold it must be interesting, and, eventually, the money provides only a possibility. Still need to understand the true value of things, I, for example, never buy a madly expensive car, if I'm not using it, and we, the Russians have a very characteristic feature - show off.

You lucky man?

In the life of me lucky. Right now, for example, I have a wonderful mood, I have a wonderful wife, a young, fervently loving my little daughter - this is the most important, and the rest - things. (Pauza.) ... But the money needed, so I stick!

So then did little luck?

In addition to luck, you need to learn to do everything very well, professionally, with talent, then all the money earned, and you just reach. If you'll stand the professionalism of the situation, then all will turn out. But this need to learn, one must work hard, have a goal, talent. Do all quality, with dignity, then come and be themselves. I know this from experience.

Alien Money

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