Thursday, February 26, 2009

Victor Gusev - about football, about money and about yourself

TB: Despite the fact that our interview should be about the money, I can not overlook the case of touch football theme. Do you argue with your friends for money, betting on the outcome of matches?

VG: It's quite interesting. We have developed a network of totalizators, which can be put on almost everything - at the Championship of Spain, France, UEFA Cup, Russian League, basketball, volleyball, etc. However, at the tote, I do not play, because I want to watch the match without bias. When you do bet, you can not help wish the victory of the team, which placed. Besides, I always want to beat a weak team. It's nice when the win light - there is an element of sensationalism. But if you're constantly going to put on the weakest, nothing good will come of this.

TB: A game for the money in other areas, except sports, you attract? Casinos, for example?

VG: I am a very excitable person, and that is why the casinos try to avoid. Yes, and in Russia to play, and especially to win at the casino, even dangerous, because the gains can not deliver to homes. Of course, in Las Vegas or Monte Carlo sin not to play it - part of the cultural program, but this must be referring only to the cultural program.

TB: Yes, in Russia a special relationship to money, again with regard to football. You agree that in Russia, consumer attitude towards this sport? They spread on the full roll, but not so much earning.

VG: This is true, but in relation to past players. Throughout his sporting life, they worked, and then have no money. And because all the free time they gave the football team, very few football players end their careers moved in the beginning of a new work or other professions.

TB: The situation has changed now?

VG: Now, if you normally play, then to the 32-35-ty years you tend to finish the floor with a solid amount is so solid that can be a long time and then not work. Of course, the salaries of our players is difficult to compare with the wages players Manchester United, Arsenal or Chelsea, but these figures are quite comparable to the salaries of players average English club, for example.

TB: So, if our players are materially well-provided, we can assume that they will play more efficiently?

VG: I think this has nothing to do. All depends on the person. The very last way to put players on the field - let God do the same now lay. I myself play in amateur football, I was not paying for it, but I am ready to give everything for the victory. But the justification of our players can say that they are facing much stronger competition at the international level. Now football invested large sums of money. Our guys have to play against the millionaires.

TB: Okay, let's go back to "your" money. Do you remember how you earned your first money?

VG: Of course. That was when I was in the English special school, approximately, in the 8-m class. We came to American TV, they had to a boy or a girl talked about the Soviet-American relations in the English language. For some reason, for this purpose I have chosen, although the level of English we all had the same. I remember the director constantly reminded me that I was not swinging in the frame. And I paid for it $ 40 - enormous in those times the money.

TB: And how you were raised by parents in regard to money?

VG: The parents did not raise me in this regard, but my mom likes to recall, as I once came home and solemnly said: "I will always be money, even if to do so I will have to work from dawn till dusk!"

TB: Who, in your opinion, should earn more - man or woman?

VG: It may be that many women would find me chauvinist, but I am of the traditional views - believe the family should contain a man, a woman let him work at his pleasure. In principle, that is, of course, there are women in the quest for equality, so I have nothing against the fact that women make a career and earn more money. The main thing is that this desire for equality, it was within reason, and the woman did not believe would be (as in America) that it infringes the rights of man only because it opens the door and skip forward.

TB: You zaviduete people who earn more than you?

VG: During my youth society was set up in another way - many things that are now all engaged in legally, then called the speculation, they were tried. So I salute the people of my age, who, despite all this, were able to adjust to new life, could have done themselves businessmen. Sorry for the people who put money above all else - love, friendship, honesty. Money in fact just merely innocent pieces of paper. As for jealousy ... I envy only one person - myself, because my passion, children's favorite hobby into a profession.

TB: Victor, probably by the end of the interview, many readers to look forward to you all the same one - at the European Football Championship in Portugal ...

VG: I think the chances are high among the French team. They have a very strong selection of players. But it is rather unpredictable, because, when the field went 11 people to 11-ty, immediately forget what country is richer, with more than the rich clubs and the more powerful players. They went, and so solves the moment - the willingness, attitude, and good luck.

Tatiana Babichenko
"Alien Money

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