Saturday, February 21, 2009

Beverly Hills. Oscar loses advertisers

Television broadcast award ceremony Oscar losing advertisers because of the economic crisis. Major advertisers have been this year, unable to place their ads broadcast during the main event in the world of American cinema - 81 th ceremony "Oscars".

According to available information, Automaking Concern General Motors, and cosmetic giant L'Oreal refused to show their commercials during the broadcast, ITAR-TASS.

GM over the past 10 years, spent $ 106 million on advertising during the Oskarovskogo "show, but the current economic crisis has forced the company to abandon this tradition. Analysts note that the reduced cost of advertising during the broadcast ceremony, the American "Oscar" on channel ABC. If last year's 30-second clip on the air was costing the advertiser for an average of $ 1.7 million this year, prices ranged from $ 1.4 to $ 1.7 million

In addition, the audience Oskarovskoy "broadcast in the U.S. continues to fall. Last year the 80 th anniversary ceremony of golden statues to see only 32 million Americans. This - the lowest figure since 1974, when the company Nilsen Media Research audience measurement beginning of "Oscars." In terms of the number of American families, posmotrevshih transfer, I-80 ceremony was the worst since 1969, when the Oscar for best film out a tape "Oliver."

This year, TV-81 and account for the first time in history, the ceremony will be interrupted by advertising new films. The decision was taken as early as last October, the Governing Council Film Academy at a special meeting. The ban on broadcast of commercials during movies Oskarovskoy acted since the beginning of the ceremony of 50-ies of the last century. Under the new rules, every major distributors will be able to demonstrate a single spot. 81 th ceremony of the golden statuettes will be held in the coming Sunday in Los Angeles.

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