Thursday, February 26, 2009

As a result of the rebellion in the Bangladesh border guards were killed and 50 officers


About 50 Bangladeshi army officers were killed, after thousands of ordinary border guards staged a revolt because of the meager salary, reported AFP.

Rebels have seized the headquarters, which was held the highest ranking unit "Bangladeshi shooters", BDR, in the center of the city, besieged by police and special forces. Only after the 18 th hour of negotiations and an exchange of rebel decided to lay down their arms.

Terms of delivery nominated Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina (Sheikh Hasina), promised amnesty to rebellious without repression in exchange for the termination of the rebellion. At the same time, one of the country's top officials said that about 50 officers "Bangladeshi shooters, taken hostage, could be killed.

The deaths of five people have already officially confirmed, among them two senior army officers, whose bodies were found outside the barracks. The military leadership has stated that the rebels have seized at least 100 hostages at the headquarters. .

The uprising started early morning on Wednesday. The conflict has long been brewing soldiers demanded to provide them with proper food and to leave.

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