Saturday, February 21, 2009

Russia is ready to raise the duty on imports of dairy products from EU

Russia will respond to the EU agricultural protectionism. The statement was made on Saturday, the head of the Ministry of Agriculture Alexey Gordeev, Russia, on the basis of negotiations with the European Commissioner for Agriculture Mariann Fischer Boel, for the BIA-2009 in Paris.

"Clearly, Russia will take adequate measures in connection with the resumption of EU subsidized exports of butter, cheese and powdered milk," - said the minister. He said that "we, in particular, are ready to raise the duty on imports of dairy products, leads him ITAR-TASS.

Previously, it was reported that the Russian government decided to increase import duty on butter and milk powder. Overall Gordeyev suggested previously to discuss the bilateral adoption of such measures. "The European Commission and the Government of the Russian Federation, as strategic partners, should conduct appropriate prior consultation", - he said.

Fischer Boel has supported the initiative of the Russian Minister, stressing that "this is a correct sentence, because we want our relations were open in nature." She explained that the grants were renewed in accordance with WTO rules.

"We are not talking about any violations on your part, we are talking about respect for the balance of trade interests between Russia and the EU", - Gordeyev said, referring to Boel. During the talks also addressed the issue of forming a unified selhozpolitiki between Russia and the EU, the creation of a single agricultural union.

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