Sunday, February 1, 2009

How can astrology help the speculator

Free trade - not the principle, as a means to an end.
Benjamin Disraeli

Astrology has a rich potential for profitable trading. Let us further investigate the impact of cosmic factors on a simple trader. So, first find out which objects affect the field of human activity related to trade. Our Solar System is located in the plane of the ecliptic - the orbit of the planet are at the heart of the sun and rotate in that plane in one direction. The sun makes the turnover for the year, Jupiter - for 12 years, the Moon - a month. Concerning the point of vernal equinox 12 Zodiac share the ecliptic plane by 30 degrees (not to be confused with the constellations, which are gradually being moved - for 2000 years at a mark!). So out of all 12 Zodiac us closer to the topic - Taurus (symbolized practical, tangible, and even money), and Leo - Sunny sign of the creative

Relative to the ground to build a horoscope is constructed grid homes, move with the rotation of the Earth. Astsendent - the point of sunrise - this is the intersection of the ecliptic to the horizon line, to make one revolution per day, per hour - 15 degrees (half the Zodiac). Astsendent - this is the beginning of the first house, a total of 12, but the length is different (not all at 30 degrees). Each house is responsible for their specific area of human life. We are interested in House II (sobstvennoesostoyanie) and V houses (speculation, stock exchange activity). Because we are interested in the kind of Planets Planets - The Sun, Jupiter (finance major) and Venus (small finance). By the way the Sun - a symbolic Manager V at home and the owner of Leo, and Venus - symbolic Manager II at home and the owner of Taurus.

Let a small total - for the consideration of a successful trade on the stock exchange it is necessary to consider the following Signs of the Zodiac - Taurus and Leo, at home horoscope - II and V, as well as planets - the Sun, Jupiter and Venus. Horoscope birth to the most powerful and harmonious these elements will ensure the highest profitability in the stock trade. This may be an individual trader's horoscope, horoscope as well as the establishment of any association, company, etc.

"Mechanics horoscope" is that the planet "attract" certain events that create character, respectively, strongly calendar (with a lot of aspects) "attract" more. Pull these events from the area, which is responsible for the house in which they are located and the Zodiac, which are. These general provisions, specifically looking at the horoscope, watch manager of II-th and V-second homes, their power and position.

His house is filled with good-II planets - the Sun and Venus in many aspects, there is a harmonious aspect of Jupiter to the Sun, V-manager of the house - Mercury in connection with the Moon - manager II-nd house. Of course, there would be a better trader that move in latitude, so that Jupiter was in the beginning of V-th house and the Sun and Venus would have remained in II-m house. Then Jupiter with three harmonious aspects in the fifth house would ensure him an even greater success in stock trading. Here is his statement of May 2003.

All personal materials are printed with the permission of the holder, kindly provided this example.

Interesting to see that the trader himself stiltorgovli - per month is made only four transactions, and deposit doubled. Judging from the opening position tions, we can assume that the bid was made exclusively at night, but the position is closed only on T / P and S / L. Considering the T / P and S / L indicates that the initial ratio of 2:1. And no wrench in the day. Train! In general, there is what traders think is interested.

Often looking statementy novice traders seen the same trend - is the order of hundreds of transactions per month. Just spread lost 100 x 5 = 500 points! Do not it the reason the majority of losses of deposits?

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