Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Education MQL II Lesson Number 5

Hello dear readers! Today we will learn to write by experts using embedded indicators. In MT sold quite a lot of the classic indicators tehanalize , so that the field of action is quite large. At the end of the lesson we will write expert.

5.1. The syntax of the indicator in the general form

iInd (period, mode, shift);

Ind - called indicator;

Period - period of averaging;

Mode - most often indicates which of the values of the indicator was adopted (for indicators of the two lines)

Shift - the index indicates the ordinal value of the indicator taken for the calculation of (0 is the current value of the indicator, 1-back, 2-before, etc., similar to the indexes with quotes). Before the title bar is the letter i, it is mandatory for all indicators in the MT.

5.2. Moving averages

Moving averages are the most common indicator. Therefore, I would like to address this indicator in more detail.

Moving Average (iMA)

iMA (period, ma_method, shift)

period - the period of averaging;

ma_method - This parameter specifies the method for calculating the average, the parameter can take

following values:






iMA (21, MODE_SMA, 1) - the importance of the past moving average simple type with a period averaging 21

iMA (9, MODE_EMA, 0) - the current value of the rolling average of exponential type with a period averaging 9

By default, the indicators are based on closing prices, so the values of the indicators with a score of 0, ie the current values on the emerging bar will ever change with the price.

5.3. Extended (extended) indicators

As I said earlier, most indicators are based on closing prices . This does not always meet the demands of users, so in the arsenal of MT is extended (expanded) indicators. Currently there are 7 extended indicators:

ADX extended

iADXEx (period, applied_price, mode, shift)

CCI extended

iCCIEx (period, applied_price, shift)

Bolinger bands extended iBandsEx (period, deviation, bands_shift, applied_price, mode, shift)

MACD extended

iMACDEx (fast_ema_period, slow_ema_period, signal_period, applied_price, mode, shift)

Moving average extended

iMAEx (period, ma_method, ma_shift, applied_price, shift)

Momentum extended

iMomEx (period, applied_price, shift)

RSI extended

iRSIEx (period, period2, applied_price, mode, shift)

If you notice any of the indicators have the option of extended . This parameter can take 7 values: PRICE_CLOSE, PRICE_OPEN, PRICE_HIGH, PRICE_LOW, PRICE_MEDIAN, PRICE_TYPICAL and PRICE_WEIGHTED. Ie, the indicator can be constructed from the closing price, opening price, maximum price, minimum price, PRICE_MEDIAN ((high + low) / 2), PRICE_TYPICAL ((high + low + close) / 3), PRICE_WEIGHTED ((high + low + close + close) / 4). All names of extended indicators ended the letters , and only those differ from the names of the same standard indicators.

5.4. Expert

To consolidate the knowledge, write an expert. It will use 2 indicator, moving average with a large period and RSI. If the RSI above a certain our top overzony, turned down, and the average is directed downward, the expert will sell. If the RSI below the bottom overzony, turned up and the average is directed upward, then buy. Out of position is carried out on the key steps.

/ * [[

Name: = Expert4

Author: = Fxtest.ru

Link: = forextimes.ru

Lots: = 1.00

Stop Loss: = 40

Take Profit: = 40

Trailing Stop: = 0

]] * /


per (7), Upzone (70), Downzone (30), BigTrend (100);

/ / per-period RSI; Upzone, Downzone-overzony, BigTrend - period, showing an average global trend

var: r1 (0), r2 (0), m1 (0), m2 (0);

/ / R1-time value of RSI r2-before value of RSI

r1 = iRSI (per, 1);

r2 = iRSI (per, 2);

m1 = iMA (BigTrend, MODE_SMA, 1); / / MA simple type (SMA)

m2 = iMA (BigTrend, MODE_SMA, 2);

if TotalTrades <1 then (/ / play if no open positions

if r2> r1 and r2> Upzone and m1

trend down, sell

(SetOrder (op_sell, lots, bid, 3, ask + stoploss * point, ask-takeprofit * point, red); exit;);

if r2 m2 then / / if an extreme value and below the lower overzony, and

global trend is up, buy (SetOrder (op_buy, lots, ask, 3, bid-stoploss * point, bid + takeprofit * point, green);

exit ;};};

In the next lesson we will learn to apply to open positions and forced them to close, with the faults of any conditions.

Company «Fxtest»

Halhalyan Arthur

Technical support for traders


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