Saturday, February 21, 2009

Amsterdam. ING is reviewing its business in the U.S.

ING Group is exploring the possibility of the U.S. plan to rescue the economy, announced earlier this month, for its assets in that country. This chapter of Dutch banking group said in an interview on Saturday, transmits Reuters.

Shares ING, which has already received assistance from the Government of Holland fell to more than 16-year minimum on Friday to the concern that the group may lost interest on the loans and the statements of traders that the group could be nationalized.

«ING has major assets in the USA», - Jan Hommen (Jan Hommen), to head the group in April, said the newspaper Financieele Dagblad. «On this basis, I would like to ask for help on a program of the Ministry of Finance of the USA».

But still it is unknown whether the assistance the U.S. government apply to foreign institutions located in the USA. ING representative confirmed that the group is reviewing its business to the world, adding that Hommen is located in the U.S. to consider business in the country.

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