Saturday, March 14, 2009

Start with yourself

Do, rather than attempting to
«If you can not right the first time, try again and again».

We all grew up in the proverbs. Try again and again until you do not succeed. And it seemed like a useful, good advice. But I would have suggested that an attempt has a negative component. Let me ask you. You try to stay with the trade on your account? You try to stop hesitate before entering the market? You try to stop the fight with a series of losses of transactions, rather than just quit? You try to follow your trading rules?

The rationale boils down to this. If you try, you will not succeed. When someone tells you that he will try to come to you at the party, then you know for sure that he will not attend. I remember once, motivational speaker asked the audience member to try and collect the paper. When the people gathered them, the Speaker said, «No. Do not collect them. Try to collect their ». Finally, a member of the audience put their hands on the paper and attempt to simulate the paper fails to collect.

Remember the story of a small child parovozike who could? Parovozik said, «I think I can. I think I can ». Finally, a small parovozik said, «I thought that I could. I thought that I could ». Success came to a small parovoziku to take action. This is not a story about a small parovozike who tried.

With this in these attempts, which seem to work against us? The first definition of the Oxford English dictionary for the word «attempt» due to the fact that the attempt, to make efforts to do something. Perhaps an attempt to force or do not see success, but rather a struggle.

One of my clients told me that he used to try to not stick to losing the transaction, do not fight the market. Yet he has, from time to time, refused to close a losing position and coming into a situation where the fight against their own indicators to be losing, or losing the deal of the day. His loss became more and more, and he finished with such a loser, which he initially did not think. Now, he said he did not try, but he does not.

Through our work, something that has changed for this customer. His intentions have changed. His level of confidence increased. His faith has changed. His perception changed. His inadvertent reaction to losing a deal or losing was the other day. He interpreted the losing transaction or losing day, quite simply, that there is no problem in it. He still remained competent trader, who continues to win.

Little parovozik who could have become confident in their ability to get to the top of the hill. He wanted to succeed. He sees a trip to the top of the hill as a potential adventure.

If you are trying to do or not do something in their trade, and you do not succeed in this, then you need to change it. Ask yourself, «what I must believe that or do not do it?», «I would have to interpret this case to treat him in a different way?», «What is my real main intention with regard to this situation? »,« I should have to feel that succeeding in this matter? »

If you try and not succeed in some aspects of their trade, do not try again. Do something in a different way. Edit your interpretation. Change beliefs. Change your basic principles. Allow yourself to feel differently about the consequences of behavior that you are trying to do or not do. What if you can become a small trader, who can? What if you could become a great trader, who could?

Demoralizing beliefs

«When we accept any limits on ourselves and our world, we imagined mental snake swallows. And they are always real, until we take another ».
John Keho

Once you have some ideas, they become your reality, regardless of whether they are true or not. Your subconscious is continuing to fill your thoughts, which support this reality. The idea of becoming stronger and stronger over time. Your opinion is distorted and removes unnecessary to get your confidence seem correct.

For example, say you accept the idea that it is difficult to make money from the sale. As soon as you say «yes» the idea, it becomes a certainty. And with a lengthy proof of the idea, it becomes a conviction. Every time you lose, you can see proof of that is difficult to make money. When you win, you will see this as an accident.
You acknowledge that the idea of additional observations. For example, whenever you are surprised by the market or the continuation of turn, you say something like: you pick on the market. Who ever possibly understand this? This game is impossible. The market will bring the greatest amount of pain the very large number of people. The idea is fed a large number of ideas.
Some beliefs are poisonous to your trade, and since you makes them, they are just deadly. Below are some examples of poisonous opinions:

• Money - it is the root of all evil.
• There is a limited amount of wealth around. If I will have too much money, others will have to be left without anything.
• If I skip an opportunity, another will not be.
• Only the big wins of his uncle.
• You have to work hard for their money.
• I must be right.
• Probability is not enough.
• It is a certain thing.
• It's awful - to lose.
• When will I make money, I lose my spirituality.
• If I am going to make too much money, then I lose it, and then I'll really feel bad.
• If I lose, I will feel so disappointed that I am better I will not even try.
• Others can make money trading, but I seem to always lose.
• If I do it, it does not work.
• If I buy it here, I will buy at the top. If I'm selling here, I will sell at the base.

If you do not make money on the trade, the chances that you support one or more demoralizing beliefs about himself, cash or trade.

The problem is that beliefs are often transparent. Anyone who supports the conviction, is often the last man, who acknowledges that he has these beliefs. If your trade does not work for you, ask yourself, «What should I be convinced that prevents me to make money?»

Change demoralizing belief

If you repeatedly do things that do not support your trading success, then ask yourself, «what beliefs lead me to do this?» Then ask yourself, «what I would have to believe that the deal effectively in this situation?»

Identification of negative and positive beliefs will not change beliefs, but it will help you understand the motivation behind your destructive behavior in the trade. More importantly, this Put you in a situation where you can start to change opinions.

For example, in some small rally in the long Bear market, you will enter a falling market and buy a tool. Your position closed on stop-orders and you lose money. Yet, you persistently repeat behavior that does not work.

First, ask yourself, what should be your opinion, makes you do it. You will come to some surprising discoveries. For example, you may find the following:

• You are convinced that the ground is, of course, is somewhere near.
• You believe that if a market instrument was once valued at $ 240, then at a price of $ 35, it is particularly valuable.
• You are convinced that can not wait for confirmation, because you must buy at the lowest price.
• Are you confident that you are more reliable than your technical tools.
Now ask yourself what you would have to believe that trade with the greater benefit. You come up several possibilities, such as:
• You must believe that the market and your technical tools will show you when the trend changes.
• You must believe that you have time, and may be more than sufficient capacity to accommodate its position when the trend will change.
• You must believe that you can trust the probabilities of its technical tools.
• You must believe in the abundance of opportunities.

To mitigate the negative beliefs, begin to expose them to questioning. Was it ever that this was not true? In which case this is not true? Once you remove the negative beliefs, do not require too much time that they began to tumble.

You can completely change the belief, saying the opposite. For example, you can change the belief that you are more effective than your technical tools for «my technical tools are more precise and more reliable than my guesses».

To reinforce positive beliefs, looking for examples where this was true. For example, take the first favorable opinion of the market and your technical tools will show you when the trend changes, and view historical charts, drawing attention to all cases where it works. This will convince you of the probabilities. (Unfortunately, all that we have on the market - it is only probable. But the probability is quite enough.)

You can get convictions, which would support your trade and make them a confirmation. For example, take the above belief and turn it into a confirmation: «Market and my technical instruments show me where the trend will change».

In the end I want to warn you that the belief resistant to change and disappear. Our beliefs are very habitual within us, and we are clinging to them, they are useful or not. In addition, they are our faith, because we truly believe in them. What we pay attention, and that we store - all of this is filtered by our beliefs, to keep us from cognitive dissonance. We can change our perception, to keep them in harmony with our beliefs.

Therefore, a constant change of the negative opinions, but we can actually change them.

Ras Roosevelt

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