Sunday, March 15, 2009

For those who have stalled 3

The most important quality of a successful trader, differentiating it from a large class of ex-traders, this is not the ability to correctly predict the market and the ability to make correct decisions based on market. If you do not grasp this "golden axiom", the path to a professional trading you ordered. It's a fact.

As noted earlier, the market is replete with all kinds of false emissions, and failed big way, and Bear / bychimi "traps. Survive under such conditions can only be one player who finds the strength, especially emotionally, to enter the market after such a regular "wash."

Hence, the Council derives FIFTH: CONTROLLING YOUR psycho-emotional state. Of course, I understand that this advice is easier to give than to follow. However, I suggest more ways to consider such controls.

First, never take a trade decisions if you are tired, irritated, or just are in the doldrums. Remember that your personal tragedy is not interesting to anyone, on the contrary, the market simply adores such broken failures and lost faith in themselves, the players. These "investors" market turn, depriving them not only the deposit, but also cause them great psychological and emotional trauma, which is evident even many months later.

Secondly, forget about the open position, just back from the monitor. If you are not scheduled for publication of any key data, and protective foot placed under / above key levels, plus a little more, and it should not be "schekotit nervishki" part "of the" current situation. "Analysis", which is something other than the raising of the hormones in the blood. Ideally, the trader is making adjustments to its open position only if there are fundamental changes in the market that, if all the necessary conditions for the opening position, is quite rare.

Third, if you were to incur losses at the close of the current position, try and take it positively. Alas, the words of the great classics, and said unto them even before century: "The experience - the son of errors difficult ..." especially relevant to trading.

Next, SIXTH Council, there is a logical continuation of the aforementioned "golden axiom: preferred opening position, which should be after the regular market" lotions ", that is, for example, the previous ostoplenie apparent (trend) is the positions are often a good signal for the resumption of these (ostoplennyh) positions.

To put it clearer, I want to remind you, my friends, that the market is not set up to strengthen our financial well-being with you. Quite the contrary, capital market does not appear from nowhere and did not disappear to nowhere, it just flows smoothly from the pockets of traders, amateurs in the pockets of traders-professionalov.Prichem, treyderprofessional there is a collective name. Often it includes a large staff of the highest caliber professionals from the trade-analytical department of somebody hedge fund, or clearinghouse, which in the draft with the speed, the multiplicity and depth of analysis of the current situation in the market, a trader for a single cover as easy. And because these "wash" is often directed against us - the individual traders, the jargon of professionals called "mobs". So, the best moment for re-entry into the market, there is a time when the "crowd" felt their loss.

(To be continued)

Valiev Wahid

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