Sunday, March 15, 2009

For those who are at an impasse 2

Do not be original, if once again remind you that many hours of "gipnotizirovaniya monitor head trader quickly blurred, as a result of that - conclusions and inadequate market trading activities, which then can be painful to remember ...

Market analysis should be conducted at your best - creative watch. That is, if you "lark" - go early this morning when the markets still "asleep" and none of you will not pester urgent domestic concerns. "Sovam" as the best creative sometimes serve as a clock, close to midnight. At that time, American players are leaving the market, but Asian is only "hitch" ...

In short, never attempt to carry out a daily analysis of the market in anticipation of any important publications. and the need to take into account all the daily information may sosluzhit you bad service - it is in such situations, the head trader born "insights", which then leads to the loss of his deposit.

More precisely, a brief analysis of the market before the most important news is needed, but it should only be clarifying in nature, that is, either we keep the previous assessment of the market, according to previously made daily analysis, or we (if the market had dramatic changes occur) canceling previously issued orders and to refrain from further trading decisions.

So, it follows COUNCIL THIRD:
It should minimize the EMOTIONAL COMPONENT OF TRADING. That is, except for the analysis of the best for you to watch, should be as close as possible to make greater and better use of the service capacity of most commercial software - for example, use pre-calculated according to the level of analysis and other methods of deferred warrant. And also, if possible, greater use of special tones, firing on the achievement of these market levels, or faults of a pending order. First, those important "little things" will eventually save you a "cool head" in the trade, and hence will pursue one of the prerequisites for survival in the market. And secondly, they draw you emotionally, and laying the foundations of analytical trading in the future.

COUNCIL FOURTH: to be a logical continuation of the previous council. This is a MANDATORY OF CLOSED position. This analysis is essential because it tells you to possible errors trading, and will form the basis to deliver only your method that you will operate automatically, ie, without emotion, and a long exhausting all the necessary conditions for the opening positions.

Indeed, this looks like this: cooked the day before trading plan built on the principle of "if, then ..." compared to what we are after the closing position. Here again it is worth recalling that we should in principle be ruled out entering the market is not on the plan (as the council read the first), and mean one of the purposes of analyzing the closed position is also an analysis of the effectiveness of the chosen trading strategy. Perhaps it is here that higher total manifest your ability to curb their emotions. After all, as they say the classics of market analysis: "Fear and greed drive the market ..."

By the way, you should think of the most informative form of a report on the transaction, while the larger component will be reflected in this report - the better. Analyze the closed position should also be a day after the closing of the market, in your traditional analytic hours.

Practice shows that most novice traders spend a great amount of time on the so-called "intuitive" analysis, which is more like a normal divination. So, especially at first, try to adhere strictly to the chosen trading strategies, and applicable to them, methods of analysis. A study of new strategies and methods of analysis is better to devote the weekend.

(To be continued)

Valiev Wahid

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