Saturday, March 14, 2009

Andrews pitchfork

Lines formed Andrews pitchfork, could help predict channels of support and resistance on the market trend.

• Forks Andrews is a method for determining the channel to the market trend.

• This method is, in fact, shares the main channel into two smaller equidistant channel.

• Lines of Vilah Andrews tend to plot lines of support and resistance.

Forks Andrews was developed by Dr. Alan Andrews and based on what he called his method of "action / counter. Originally titled "Study of the median line, this method is based on a set of lines running from the peaks and troughs in the price chart. When they are linked together, the totality of lines much like a farmer pitchfork.

The average line of Doctor Andrews and model Vila, often show the line of support and resistance where prices tend to stop or turn.

Price unfolded at the median line (first arrow). The three lines formed Andrews pitchfork, tend to support or resistance.

Prices tend to follow the channel, formed Andrews pitchfork, the model is not broken until the final (second arrow). Here we can see that the price briefly broke the line model and then returned to GEPom ago and was followed by the channel.

Forks Andrews based on the price schedule as follows:
1. First, define a significant point (maximum or minimum) and it becomes a point A.
2. Hold the line (shown in red) of this paragraph to the next great turning point - item B.
3. Then construct a line from a significant point that emerged from the past trend (item C) split in half the first line (in red) between points A and B. This will be the middle line, or "handle" Vil.
4. Now, you have two lines parallel to the median line, one paragraph, start with A. And another from the point B. They form the "teeth" Vil.
This is a rather cursory introduction to the technique of Wil Andrews. Examination of the price of Doctor Andrews is usually much more complex than shown here. He also felt a wave, using the so-called "rule for calculating the center 0-3/4" and the "rule of probability calculation 5.

Watch for a turn, when the price approaches or penetrates through the line Vil. As with any trend line, the more often support or resistance confirmed, the line is considered to be reliable. In the example above, the lower channel managed to contain most of the price activity, although not perfect, but enough to show that the channel indeed provides an important support and resistance.

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