Tuesday, June 9, 2009

IFK "Option": Today in the domestic stock pads relatively quiet trading, with significant volatility

Today, the domestic stock pads relatively quiet trading, with significant volatility. Major indexes traded near yesterday's closing levels. MICEX index falling to 15.10 PM IST on 0,55%, RTS index adds 0.18%. Nearest futures on the RTS index at the site FORTS is growing at 0.83% and is 109 137,5 Futures Point is located in a small bekvordatsii (7 points on the underlying asset). June futures on the ruble-dollar pair traded down to around 0.5% point to 31 320 rubles. for one thousand dollars, which is close to the interbank rate from the early ekspiratsii fixed-term contracts on FORTS. Oil is already trading below 69 U.S., Europe in a small red, the opening of American markets is also expected to negatively.

Before the discovery of America is difficult to expect sudden movements up or down, much will also depend on the stat. data on the stocks of goods in warehouses, which will appear in ICC 18.00.

In the Options FORTS tonight will ekspiratsiya June options on individual chips, such as Gazprom, Lukoil, Sberbank, and others. Options expire on the index in this Thursday. As leaders of turnover is now 110 th and 115 jess's call on the index. Recently, more and more brokers offer their clients such new topics as access to the site RTS Standard and emergency section of the MICEX. The advantage of the lack of RTS Standard 100% the first preddeponirovaniya and calculations of T 4. At the emergency section of the MICEX is actively traded futures on the MICEX index, shares in Gazprom and Sberbank shares. Wish the investor does not get all of these innovations and successfully apply them in their own trade.

A successful trade!

Bachurin Vladimir, portfolio manager IFK «option»

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