Wednesday, June 24, 2009

BBH on the intervention of National Bank of Switzerland

According to analysts of BBH, the National Bank of Switzerland, it seems, has replaced the tactics of intervention. Despite the lack of factual evidence, the Swiss National Bank, apparently, himself or through multi-agency buying other currencies against the franc, contributing thus to the growth of cross Swiss currency. Pair of Euro / Franc Breaks 200-day moving average at 1.5140 and broke option structure dnt, which is rumored to expire on Wednesday or Thursday near the 1.5250 level. The next goal in a pair euro / franc foreign exchange strategists BBH raise the level of 1.53, which is the maximum of the beginning of April, after which growth is possible to couple the maximum 1.5447, established after the introduction of the National Bank of Switzerland measures quantitative easing. Now the euro / franc was at around 1.5200, the dollar / franc - at 1.0830.

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