Monday, June 29, 2009

Forex. A brief overview of the key events of the week

Last week turned out to be quite rich in events. So, on Tuesday showed a record EURUSD for the past month, the day after the growth of China repeating the call for the creation of a new reserve currency and as a result of the intervention SNB, which took place in three phases, the Swiss Franc finished week decline against the dollar and euro. A number of analysts, once again, expressed concern about the stability of the dollar, while the specialists from the other camp did not see in the foreseeable future, decent alternatives to the U.S. currency. "The status of the dollar as reserve currency, is in doubt," - said Benedict Germaner, currency strategist at UBS AG Stamford. - "I see no valid reason for its sale." However, in view of David Woo, the heads of foreign exchange strategy for Barclays Capital in London, is not so dramatic: "This is not the first statement by China on the subject, and I will not be surprised if such statements continued. In the medium term I expect the dollar decline, but Even so, looking around, I do not see any decent alternative as a reserve currency. Anyway, so far. As for the prospects of the RMB, then, to begin with, it is necessary that his course has been freely floating, and in the near future we do not anticipated. "

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