Friday, June 26, 2009

Societe Generale predicts a weakening U.S. dollar

According to analysts of Societe Generale, the U.S. dollar will decline until the end of March next year, given that U.S. financial authorities to continue to maintain interest rates at a record minimum, and the country is increasingly dependent on foreign investors who provide financing to the trade deficit country. The Central Bank should provide a reliable plan to reduce liquidity in the markets following the purchase of state. bonds. The Fed will keep for a long time the interest rate on the extremely low level. In addition, Fedrezerv not going to waive the policy of quantitative easing in the near future, so he was unable to convince investors that he would be able to keep inflation under control. The bank forecast a decline in U.S. currency to around 1.45 - 1.50 dollars per euro by the end of the first quarter of 2010. In Societe Generale added that this summer the dollar is likely to be enhanced somewhat. With regard to future movements in the bank have a negative projection. At the moment, a pair of Euro / dollar traded at 1.4084.

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