Thursday, June 25, 2009

The dollar may continue to strengthen the euro and yen

The dollar may continue to strengthen against the yen and euro after U.S. Federal Reserve reported on the results of meeting FOMC, that the federal program redemption of bonds and assets in the total amount of 1.75 trillion. U.S. remains unchanged, indicating that the slowing pace of economic decline. In other words, the Fed is not going to increase the yield of treasury bonds by reducing the demand for them. Besides the dollar as the currency is more sensitive to changes in the differential in interest rates than to changes in relative investment risk. It currently provides support for the U.S. currency.

For the first time in 4 days after the publication of statements of FOMC U.S. Treasury bonds fell in price. Yield 10-year bond rose to 0.06% to 3.69%. U.S. assets are more attractive in comparison to comparable German government bonds to them, since the yield of "trezheris" remain above the yield of German "bundesov.

Share optimism about the U.S. economy added yesterday published data on orders for durable goods in May. While economists had expected orders to decline 0.9% compared to the previous month, they increased by 1.8%.

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