Monday, June 29, 2009

Deutsche Bank predicted a collapse in the EURUSD 17% by year-end

Currency strategists Deutsche Bank, forecasts that this year so far are the most accurate, expect EURUSD decline by 17% before the end of 2009, which would be subject to more rapid recovery of the U.S. economy, rather than continental Europe. The average forecast of four U.S. banks, at the beginning of the year to predict the course of EURUSD at June 26, with accuracy up to 1-2 cents, (CIBC World Markets Plc, Deutsche Bank AG, Bank of America Corp. And Wells Fargo & Co), on average, is +4% in the period until 31 December. However, one of whom - Deutsche Bank AG - looks at the prospects for the U.S. currency, especially positive. "I set to bychi, and I have every reason to do so," - said Henrik Gullberg, currency strategist at Deutsche Bank London. - "If you look at the macro-economic data in recent weeks, it becomes evident that U.S. overtaking Europe for one or two quarters." The bank, earlier this year stated that the rate of EURUSD on 30 June will be $ 1.40, now expects its decline to 17% to $ 1.20 by year-end. If that happens, the last two quarters of this year will be better for the dollar over the past 28 years.

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