Wednesday, June 10, 2009

U.S. Dollar is no longer needed as an asset of the security zone

Rate U.S. / Canada is traded in the minima of this week, as oil prices climbed above $ 70 a barrel, as investors are definitely confident that the Canadian economy will be able to remove them this is quite a decent profit. Positive expectations of a speedy restoration of the American economy make it possible to benefit in terms of Canadian currency, as the country's economy maple leaf is closely dependent on the "health of its southern neighbor." Three-quarters of Canadian exports are in the United States. Economist Paul Newman, Nobel laureate, in his lecture yesterday at the London School of Economics said that the recovery from recession by September this year. Strategists from TD Securities Inc. indicate a short-short-term goals in a pair of U.S. / Canada 1.0900 level.

In doing so, the U.S. dollar at the auction on Tuesday fell against 13 of the 16 most liquid currencies. The reason was the declining demand for U.S. currency as an asset of the security zone, against a background of optimism about the impending completion of the global economic downturn. Index MSCI World, which is a composite index of stock markets, 23 most developed countries, now increased by 1.2%. Demand for shares confirms the growth of risk appetite in relation to assets in the wake of public optimism.

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