Tuesday, June 2, 2009

United States: Obama Comments on the nationalization of GM

U.S. President, Barack Obama, accompanied avtogiganta General Motors into bankruptcy, after which, the Government decided to support the company, which for decades was a symbol of the national economy. GM became the largest U.S. company, which has ever declared bankruptcy. The fall of the company will lead to a loss of approximately 21 thousand jobs and 2.6 thousand car. "We have no special hunting became shareholders of the company, but it is the only way to save GM", - said Obama, responding to a question about the nationalization of 100-year-old company. Obama noted that the plan the most viable and achievable in the near future, he expects the restoration of its independence and return. Of the industry "Big Three" of Detroit only to Ford Motor escaped restructuring, while not even using the help of federal authorities. The U.S. government has a 60% stake in GM, 12.5% go to the Canadian government. "We have no interest in the management of a company, our goal was the rapid recovery of the automobile industry after the crisis," - said Obama.

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