Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Related markets have not responded to the strengthening of the dollar

last day Euro-dollar was moving in the range 1.3850-1.3950. When the price of oil barrel mark WTI has returned to the box 69 dollars. Dow Jones closed +0.2% at 8764, that is, in fact, is at maximum. Yield 10-year Treasuries is also on the peak, now at 3.83%. Thus, the sharp rise in the dollar on Friday and Monday did not correlate with the situation in neighboring markets, which suggests that it may be false. But still we are waiting for the continuation of the fall in the euro area mark of 1.3750. Remember that today, U.S. Treasury publishes 3-year notes at 35 billion dollars

Meanwhile, the Fed continues to pay off your balance in Treasuries and agency paper. Yesterday, it was purchased Treasuries at 7.5 billion currently purchased Treasuries (ie "print" dollars) to 153 billion dollars of the allocated limit of 300 billion of agency securities to 532 billion dollars of the allocated limit of 1.25 trillion. U.S. (official information can be found here: Even from these data suggest that at current rate limit on Treasuries will end sooner. In addition, ahead of almost all summer, and spent more than half the limit for Treasuries (as we know, 300 billion going to take until the autumn). That is a little over two months (the first operation on the redemption took place on 25 March), the Fed has spent more than half the limit, and yield Treasuries continue to rise, bonds fall in price. In a recent statement, the representative of the Fed, Janet Yell said that "the growth yield of Treasury bonds and mortgage rates resulted in confusion." In such a situation logically expect that the next Fed meeting on 24 June (ie very soon) FOMC will decide to increase the mitigation measures to quantify, especially since, according to the protocols last meeting, some FOMC members already favored the measure. And it can not affect the dollar benefit (see the developments in the market of 18-19 March). Therefore, an attack Friday on the euro, we feel a kind of bluff, designed to bring the market into confusion, and the last time to collect the foot bottom. We believe that already next week to begin the growth of the euro, which in its pace will not yield to fall. But until this week, are location, the euro is likely to remain low.

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