Wednesday, June 10, 2009

AZIPI-Investika: External background - neutral

Information-analytical agency «AZIPI-Investika» prepared a daily overview of the Russian market.

External background - neutral. World markets showed modest declines - within 0.5% on major indexes. Data on the reduction of stocks «black gold» in the United States, as well as the weakening U.S. currency, pushing up oil quotes. It is currently trading at $ 72 per barrel Brent. Against this backdrop, we expect a moderate reduction in the indices at the opening. The volume of trades suggests that under conditions of uncertainty, investors will refrain from active operations. Today is expected to yield some important data makrostatistiki, among which of particular interest retail sales in the United States, published in ICC 16.30.

Also in the review:

- The situation in the Russian and world stages

- World Indices and commodity markets

- Exchange rates

- Dynamics OFBU

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