Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Results of participation in ShowFxAsia

From 14 to 15 November 2009, hosted an international exhibition ShowFxAsia in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Diploma which was a group of companies LiteForex.
The decision on the participation of a group of companies LiteForex in an exhibition in Malaysia was dictated by the geographic portrait of the client - more than 30% of all traders are constantly working with a group of companies today are residents of Malaysia. And one of the key objectives of the active presence of the group companies ShowFxAsia in Kuala Lumpur, according to representatives of the group companies, it was "a direct communication with customers."

"In preparing for this exhibition, we hoped to get feedback about our services and the company's work with clients in general, because without such feedback can not be right to choose the direction of further development", - says Yuri Voloshin, General Director of "Trend Line", which is exclusive representative of the brand LiteForex in Russia. - "This goal was achieved by us in full: we have received the necessary adjustments for future activities of the group of companies information from our existing and potential customers. Moreover, a kind of a nice bonus became positive feedback about the work and service group of companies from the Malaysian traders to cooperate with us. "

For two days ShowFxAsia in the exhibition sector group of companies LiteForex was possible not only to provide trading conditions, the presence of offices in Malaysia, benefits, types of trading accounts, or forms of customer support. Employees of companies also offers open and instantaneous replenishment trading accounts online. This feature is in great demand during the second day of the exhibition. According to experts, representing the brand LiteForex at the exhibition, "most of the customers who open accounts in the second exhibition day, did so on the recommendation of a friend already working with a group of companies LiteForex». As part of the action "Open trade account now!", Held during the exhibition on each open a deposit account is credited bonus of $ 10 for the start of a new client.
Customers who open a trading account during the exhibition, and was handed a set of branded gifts, which included umbrellas, flash cards, shirts, pens and calendars. Especially in demand among the visitors enjoyed the bonus cards of various denominations (500, 200, 100, 50, 30 and 10 U.S. dollars) to become exclusive gifts from the group of companies LiteForex.

"Visitors to the exhibition for two days of its work to become parties to the hourly lottery in which prizes offered by the exhibition" - continues to Yuri Voloshin. - "On our part, played out bonus amounts to replenish trade deposits, equivalent to 500 U.S. dollars.

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