Thursday, December 17, 2009

The number of unemployed in Britain unexpectedly fell for November

According to the National Statistical Office, the number of applications for unemployment benefits (Claimant count) in the UK decreased by 6 000 for November, after increasing by 12 900 in the previous month. However analysts have predicted an increase in the number of new applications by 13 800.
Unemployment Rate (Claimant count rate) decreased during the period from 5,1% to 5,0%. Annual average earnings index excluding bonuses for the three months, including October, amounted to 1 , 7%. Previous value of the index revised from 1,8% to 1,7%.
The unemployment rate, calculated by the methodology of the International Labor Organization (ILO unemployment rate) amounted to 7,9% for the three months, including October, while the forecast was 8.0% and the previous value of 7.8%.

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