Thursday, December 3, 2009

By 2011 the dollar / yen may fall to 74.00

According Eysi Wakabayashi, head of Wakabayashi FX Associates and strategist, predicted the growth of the Japanese currency to historical highs in April 1995, by 2011 the yen could reach the mark of 74.00 in the pair with the dollar as the Bank of Japan has not taken the necessary measures to combat deflation. Wakabayashi He believes that the Bank of Japan should rethink its fundamentalist approach to the fight against inflation, ignoring the need to stimulate the economy. "Attempts to stop the growth of the Bank nor the yen to be going nowhere," - he said. He predicted that after the fall to a mark of 80 yen in February 2010, the dollar will adjust somewhat. American economy is no longer losing jobs somewhere in March, with the depreciation of the currency will trigger inflationary fears, which will eventually lead to an increase in the yield on long-term bonds. By the end of the third quarter of 2010, the world economy will enter a stage of deflation, as the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) will start to collapse bubbles in asset markets. As a result, by 2011 the dollar against the yen reached a historical low of 74.00.

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