Saturday, July 4, 2009

RBS: the problems of Eastern Europe - a negative factor for the euro

Dealers noted that the volume of trades in the last couple of hours has significantly decreased, and among market participants there is no particular desire to take aggressive actions, given the decline in liquidity, the proximity of the output and the lack of data that could give rise to the direction of motion. Euro / dollar is still trading in a fairly narrow range, and currently holds about $ 1.4007, continuing to feel the presence of interest in buying in the area of $ 1.3980. Nevertheless, the overall mood is moderately negative, and currency strategists Royal Bank of Scotland believes that there are objective reasons for its further deterioration in the foreseeable future. Investors have recently become somewhat skeptical about the "green sprout" in the economy, and the RBS recommend to pay attention to the fact that the worsening situation in Europe may well become the catalyst for the next wave of reduction of appetite for risk. British bank's strategists believed that Poland, Hungary, Latvia and Ukraine, as well as four more countries in Eastern Europe (Russia in the list are not included), may declare a default on its obligations, or they may need IMF assistance, but for Latvia and Ukraine These risks are highest. Realization of this scenario would be very unpleasant event for the single currency, and currency strategists RBS has maintained a forecast for the euro / dollar at the end of the third quarter at $ 1.32.

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