Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Citigroup expects the fall to 1.40 euros at first, and then to 1.3830

"Euro is ready to continue to reduce the area of present value of 55-day moving average line of 1.40" - described in the technical comments, Citigroup Inc. Euro / dollar last week was unable to rise above 1.43. The European currency behind the stock market. Index MSCI, which unites the stock markets of developed countries, last week rose by 4.6%. The growth of the euro against the dollar over the same period was 0.7%. "Euro falls when the stock falls, but does not rise when they grow up," - said Tom Fitspatrik, analyst of Citigroup. He believes that the risks of continuing the downward movement in a pair euro / dollar has increased significantly. Couple in the next few days could test 1.3832 or even 1.3748.

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