Friday, July 17, 2009

Barclays Capital is looking with optimism at the prospects for the pound

The British currency is slightly adjusted to a minimum the session, but around $ 1.6350/60 recovery stalled, and dealers noted that while a couple remains below that area, near the neck line which passes the double peaks generated at the time schedule, there is a risk of increasing activity of the bears. Currency strategists Barclays Capital, commenting on the dynamics of couples also do not preclude the preservation of pressure on it in the short term, noting that seen for the multitude of factors, including growing concerns of market participants regarding the possibility of expanding the scope of quantitative easing, of the Bank of England. However, the British bank's strategists emphasize that there are very optimistic about the longer-term prospects for the pound, as paired with the U.S., and with the euro. At Barclays Capital pointed out that the reason for this view is the expectation of recovery of world economy and improve the situation in financial markets that would be a very positive development for the pound, which has been underestimated and will recover to the extent improve the prospects of developments in the banking sector. The bank had forecast for the twelve-pound / dollar at $ 1.80, and the euro / pound - at stg0.80.

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