Friday, July 24, 2009

Pound fell to the data on GDP

A new series of economic statistics from the UK has been far from positive for the pound, taking into account the fall in GDP in the second quarter to -5.6% y / y, while the expected decline by only 5.2% y / y. The British currency is still in advance of the publication of a report feeling the pressure to respond to news and a sharp fall, breaking bidy initially around $ 1.6490/85 and then in the $ 1.6460/50, to date, reached a fresh session minima near $ 1.6435. Bidy placed up to $ 1.6430, while holding back the tide of the bears, but the break below would be a negative signal, involving the potential for continued downward movement in the direction of $ 1.6410 and $ 1.6390/80.

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