Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Morgan Stanley expects the fall of the ruble in the short term

The Russian currency takes position during the bidding on Wednesday, given the decline in stock quotes and correction in oil prices, and now the dollar / ruble holds about 31.19, testing yesterday's maximums. Currency strategists Morgan Stanley noted that in the absence of rising prices for oil pressure on the ruble is likely to continue, while at the bank doubtfully suggests potential for further significant growth in equity markets and see downside risk in oil prices to $ 55 a barrel. The implementation of such scenarios, according to strategists, threatening to fall in the Russian currency, and they see the risks of growth dollar / ruble to 34.60 by the end of the quarter. However, in the bank more optimistic about the longer-term prospects of the ruble, given the risks of a resumption of growth in oil prices in the coming years. At Morgan Stanley have forecast for oil for 2011 at $ 95 per barrel, and note that this price level will involve the strengthening of the ruble, which resulted in the dollar / ruble is likely to rise to the mark in 23.90.

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