Tuesday, January 19, 2010

ZEW index of economic sentiment in Germany 47.2 points in January, weaker than forecasts

ZEW index of economic sentiment in Germany amounted to 47.2 points in January compared with 50.4 points a month earlier. Thus analysts predicted decline to 49.8 index points. Note that the index falls fourth consecutive month, but its current level is much higher than the historical average 27.1 points.

Status indicator indicates that the restoration of the German economy will slow in the next six months. "Evaluation of financial market experts suggest that in 2010 we will at best see the restoration, rather than strong economic growth", - said ZEW.

The index of current conditions in Germany rose in January to 4.0 points to minus 56.6 points.

Index Eurozone ZEW economic sentiment fell for the reporting period from 48.0 points to 46.4 points in the forecast increase to 48.2 points. The index of current conditions in the euro area improved in January to 5.1 points to minus 62.7.

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